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2021-10-19 at 1:22 am #32266
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantThank you for sharing. I think malaria information system is very useful in terms of tracking the disease and analyzing the way to prevent and control of the disease. It can improve the number of malaria patient to be decrease in the future.
2021-10-19 at 1:16 am #32265
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantThank you for sharing. I kind of love this application, I think it very useful and effective for the patient’s with diabetes even a person who want to prevent or avoid the diabetes complication.
2021-10-19 at 12:01 am #32263
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantI agree with other. I should not give any data out even for research without the permission. They should provide the petition that follow the healthcare/ hospital regulation for research purpose. To avoid breaching of the data, they should have a law and regulation about the privacy of the data too.
2021-10-18 at 10:53 pm #32262
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantAccording to my position, I can not share the information of patient’s due to the ethicality, even he is my best friend’s husband. Moreover, I agree with everyone, I think it would be inappropriate to interfere with other family issues. We have to consult with patient of their condition and waiting for a permission because it will help recognize and manage that patients and their loved ones and caregivers have the right to know about the existence and use of electronic records containing their personal healthcare information, and have the right to create and maintain their own personal health records and manage personal health information using a variety of platforms.
2021-10-17 at 11:52 am #32217
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantSince I mentioned about vaccination program of Mahidol University. I think they appropriately managed the change following the current situation that want everyone rapidly got the vaccine and also most staff have to adapt theirselves to work from home instead of come to the campus.
For ADKAR model
Awareness: Mahidol University announce the regulations for all staff and student about the providing vaccine, and term & condition of working at the campus during COVID-19 situation.
Desire: Separate section for vaccination that will completely allow all staff got the vaccine.
Knowledge: inform staff how to work from home and provide the facilities (software, hardware) to improve working from home. -
2021-10-16 at 2:19 pm #32199
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantFor Mahidol University, They successfully provide the vaccination system for staffs and students. More than 90% of staff are got fully vaccinated following by student. I think the majority factor that make system reaching the goals is operation and people. We work as a team to promote and cooperate the program.
2021-10-16 at 12:36 am #32198
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantLike other, I don’t have any experience with Decision Support System (DSS). For example , in healthcare system, DSS help diagnose a patient, a medical clinician may use a computerized decision support system for diagnostics and prescription. Combining clinician inputs and previous electronic health records, a decision support system may assist a doctor in diagnosing a patient.
2021-10-15 at 10:44 pm #32192
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantClearly explanation and addition. I think to prevent third-party error, we should improve the security system and give some basic knowledge house the system to all staff.
2021-10-15 at 10:35 pm #32191
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantI agree with your idea. To prevent new incidents, they have to improve the policies and staffs.
2021-10-11 at 5:26 pm #32063
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantI agreed with everyone too, because the big advantage of ICD standard is to facilitate implementation of medical applications that follows the patient medical condition and facts. If no ICD standard, it would be disadvantage for everyone.
2021-10-11 at 4:20 pm #32061
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantFor my experience, I don’t have directly experience with EMR. Only be a patient that give the information to the system. Anyway, I still have heard about collected information system among local hospital near my home. Some of them still use traditional way to collect the patient’s data such as book and notebook. the big problem of the hospital is some staff can not understand the technology, its complicated and hard to understand. So, I agree with other that the EMR is a good system that serve all healthcare system but to improve this, it should be more easily to use and more simply in term of real-using. I think Should provide some program or activity that improve skill of healthcare staff too.
2021-10-11 at 12:02 am #32052
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantSince, I am still a 4th year student, I never used to work with any health informatics project much.
But in my opinion, I think health informatics project will improve a lots with the current situation, even though in senior project that some part, my advisor have used health information from real-patient to analyze the data. -
2021-10-10 at 9:43 pm #32047
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantGoogle is the one example of Big Data, I think everyone get used to it. There are 7Vs involved with which are:
– Volume -> Large amount of data, Google was processing over 20 petabytes of data per day! a lots odd data
– Velocity -> Data velocity in almost real time derives from the ubiquity and availability of devices connected to the internet, both wireless and wired.
– Variety -> Data diversity going from stored and structured data kept in business databases to unstructured data, semi-structured data and data in different formats, i.e., over 3.5 million people make calls, send SMS, tweet, search and browse the internet from their cell phones.
– Veracity -> The aim is to promote the search for data veracity so that we may retrieve reliable information. Accurate data allow for greater utilization because of their quality.
– Value -> The key to Big Data is not the countless amounts of information but rather how it is used and handled.
– Variability -> The algorithms must be able to understand the context and decode the exact meaning of every word in its specific environment.
– Visualization -> making the analyzed data to more understand and easy to read.
2021-10-10 at 2:43 pm #32044
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantIn my opinion, “eHealth” is refer to technology, that supported the connection between patient/user among healthcare service and to facilitate user to easily accessible the system via electric technology such as smartphone, tablet or even social media.
2021-09-28 at 12:28 am #31685
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantSome possible means that an attacker could use to conduct a security attack included;
– When unsuspecting users fall prey to phishing attempts and enter their login credentials on fake websites.
– Weak passwords and password reuse make credential exposure the way for initial attacker access the account.
– With setup/app server configuration not disabled, the hacker can determine hidden flaws, and this provides them with extra information.
– Missing encryption leads to sensitive information including credentials being transmitted either in plaintext, or using weak cryptographic ciphers or protocols.Thank you
2021-09-27 at 11:45 pm #31684
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantFor the given situation, a cloud server is suitable for develop the appointment programs because the data would be share on the cloud system and create the link between user(patient) and hospital. And they also have the security system that can make sure the privacy of the patients. Unlike a physical server, which not suitable for develop the app because there are more specifically use in some are such as only in hospital and also unportable data, it need to be collect in the computer of local area.
And SaaS would be most appropriate a cloud computing service model for this situation because it is a software that’s available via a third-party over the internet. So, the data can upload and share among the user and hospital.
Thank you
Pimthong(sorry for reply late)
2021-09-19 at 1:15 am #31412
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantIn my opinion, I think during the COVID situation there are a lot of health IT project that launched into public and have less efficiancy such as More phrom from Ministry of Public Health, and other vaccine-reserved website.
Mor Phrom is the application that user can tracking there vaccine history and also inform a lot of good informations about health care such as how to protect yourself for COVID. But there are some limitation of More Phrom, for my own experience, my university announced new date of AZ second dose, but there are nothing update in More Phrom. Also vaccine-reserved website, the limitation is there are specifically in some area. Moreover, I think the vaccine and other platform should be available and accessible for everyone because the government exactly have our data. This part should be improve from the developer of application/website and government, what if they can sharing the information to each other lead to facilitate and improve health care of people.
Another Health IT project that I think is quiet good is Thai Rhuu Su COVID Facebook page from Government too. Because there are another platform that in from the information of the number of case daily updated. But this platform should improved in visualization and presentation of the information, due to sometimes the infographic is make confuse instead of understand.
Thank you.
2021-09-19 at 12:33 am #31411
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantI agree with other, due to enterprise architecture plays important role in the integration of healthcare resources. To design an enterprise architecture of HIS among all hospitals in my province, we need staffs include:
– Health professionals including doctors, nurses, technicians, etc. -the data from patients will be collected by them and further interpret to the information of individual health.
– Directer of the hospital – to consult an agreement with all hospitals
– Lawyer or adviser – to advise the regulation between hospitals and about all agreements.
– IT professionals including the performance of network, security system, programming. – to support the stability of the system and ensure the privacy of patient’s information.
– Informaticians, to analyze the data collected from patients and interpret to the information.
– Government or local administration, to support the project among all hospitals, in terms of cost and facility. -
2021-09-18 at 12:29 am #31369
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantTo be a professional in public health or health informatic, The important skills that I should improve would be computer and information science. Based on my background as a Biomed student, I usually familiar with the epidemiology and microbiology in the class, but I did not focus on computer and information science much. Nowadays, Computer science skill is the important thing that plays role in the development of public health, to improve the people health.
Not only the computer science is considered to play an important role but also Psychology and communications too. Because we have to collect the data from a lot of people, and of course, dealing with people is the hardest part of developing public health. So, if I improve all these skills, the professional would not be that hard.Thank you.
2021-09-05 at 11:48 am #31045
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantAccording to the lesson, I think move the hospital’s information system to cloud computing will improve the accessibilities of hospital’s information to all health expert from everywhere and every devices. And also saving cost for purchase or upgrade a new data storage for the system and it can make sure that the information will not disappear and have secure with the cloud. I would love to should infrastructure as a cloud or Iaas, hybrid type to be a model for store hospital’s information because it share the information between branch of hospital and also patient or costumer can access the data (ex. look up for the history of medication and appointment date).
2021-09-05 at 1:50 am #31035
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantInternet of Things (IoT) and Big Data can improve healthcare in terms of store the large scale of information and perform real-time updated information. IoT connected the health care system together, devices, data , and people, including analyze data. It will facilitate healthcare system to be more perfectively. I agree with other, The challenge of IoT and big data in healthcare would be competency of user because it kind of things that user have to learn before using them and should be responsible for the some private data.
2021-08-28 at 12:22 am #30776
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantI’m quite sure that is the virus or malware that can attack our devices. So, I’m pretty sure that I will not click it and close all the tabs that shown that sentence.
Thank you
2021-08-28 at 12:14 am #30775
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantYes, of course. A long time ago, My computer has been attacked by a virus. I got a link from some friend on Facebook, I have no idea what is that, but I decided to click it. The new tap has shown up and I can see an only black screen. I have tried to close it but it did not work. Then, my computer has no responded, and that tab pop up the ghost picture. It make my heart attacked, I rapidly close the computer and bring the battery out. After that, I never open the link from unknown people and recheck the name of the link before I click, to avoid the virus or something like this happen again.
Thank you
2021-08-27 at 12:14 pm #30727
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantI agree with others, the dashboard for healthcare should be a data visualization because it will show the data to the audience in an easier way than other dashboards. During the COVID-19 situation, we have a lot of information to update and follow, for example, we can see the in social platform about the number of patients increase and recovery for each day. The data visualization will make the information easy to understand for the audience.
Thank you
2021-08-26 at 9:37 pm #30715
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantIf I have to build a mobile app, It would be a medical dictionary. Because I have work with a lot of clinical terminology of a medical word so, it would be nice if I can access the source from my mobile app for convenience. And I would love to choose a hybrid app because they can access from many platforms such as mobile app and websites, and as I said it will make users more convenient than native apps which can access only one platform.
Thank you
2021-08-19 at 10:28 pm #30307
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantLike other, I have no experience in programming. If I want to create an application, I would learn C programming language first, to understand basic of coding and how to write program. Moreover, C programming language is a basis of other programming languages such as JAVA, C#,C++, Pearl, Python, and Ruby languages. There are the advantages of C programming language including, able to use with many platform such as IntelPC, Macintosh and also mainframe because they generally have compiler of C language. And C language also allow user to create the function by yourself because it has no build-in function. In conclusion, I think C language are very portable language and suitable for me.
Thank you,
Pimthong -
2021-08-13 at 1:34 am #29863
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantInternet technology is very useful because it provide the sources of information that support the clinical guideline, for research a new drug that use to treat the patient, and also provide the useful information to inform people during emergency situation like nowadays(COVID-19 Situation). On the internet, the information will always updated to the newest (ex, Research, paper and journal). And not limited only in our country, we can share the information about healthcare and medicine across the world. So, internet technology is important to us.
In Thailand, I think the biggest challenge is some area or some part of Thailand can not access to the internet. So, it is the limitation for learning something news and be behind the other. Healthcare will not get improve and may cause damage to people’s health.Thank you
Pimthong S. -
2021-08-13 at 12:47 am #29849
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantIn my opinion, I think Vaccine reservation system is one of the problem. Because people have to fight over each other to get in to the reservation system which are always error. If the system have information system that supported from the government, it would be better. In order to allow everyone get access to the vaccine.
Thank you
Pimthong S. -
2021-08-12 at 7:05 pm #29827
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantFirst, we have to use Personal Area Network or PAN to connect between blood pressure device and our device such as computer or notebook to collect the data from people. The advantages of PAN are low chance to have a conflict and comfortable to use during working with other device. But there are some disadvantages too. Some PAN connected may restricted area of device to connect and sloe data transfer.
To transmit the data from our devices to computer system of MOPH, we have to use Wide Area Network or WAN to transmit the data. Because it can upload and sharing data by using internet. No matter how far between us and MOPH, the data will be transmit to there. Of course, the advantages of WAN is a wide area coverage. but the disadvantage of WAN is less security that can cause some problem with the user.Thank you
Pimthong S. -
2021-08-09 at 9:47 pm #29695
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantI had experience with Transaction Processing Systems or TPS. During transaction at ATM, I input the phone number and press the code to confirm transaction. The process will be Real-Time Processing, input information -> sent a request or electronic petition to Bank -> Bank check status -> Bank approve withdrawal -> I get the money as the output.
Ps. I don’t know is it correct but I understand like that.
Thank you
Pimthong S. -
2021-09-19 at 11:47 am #31420
Pimthong Sinchai
ParticipantI agree with you about Mor Prom project is very good but it also have a limitation to improve.