Siriphak Pongthai started the topic To identify missing values in the dataset in the forum Data mining and machine learning 1 year, 3 months ago
Dear Arjan and all,
In term of missing values that could be “blank space”, “NA”, “?”, any other words or symbols.
For the previous assignment, I knew it was defined as “?” because it was written in the description. But if we check just only NA, then we couldn’t be able to detect “?” as missing value.My question is “how can we know that what…[Read more]
Siriphak Pongthai replied to the topic Final Project in the forum TMHG 543 Data Visualization and Data Presentation Techniques 2022 1 year, 7 months ago
Thank you for sharing your view on dashboard. Your dashboard looks so clean and user friendly.
I like how you choose to display number of confirmed cases of each country by year as well as cumulative confirmed, recovered, and deaths were easily glimpsed on top. However, on selecting date range might be difficult for users because we don’t know w…[Read more] -
Siriphak Pongthai replied to the topic Final Project in the forum TMHG 543 Data Visualization and Data Presentation Techniques 2022 1 year, 7 months ago
Thank you for sharing your view on dashboard. Your dashboard looks so clean and user friendly.
I like how you choose to display number of confirmed cases of each country by year as well as cumulative confirmed, recovered, and deaths were easily glimpsed on top. However, on selecting date range might be difficult for users because we don’t know w…[Read more] -
Siriphak Pongthai replied to the topic Final Project in the forum TMHG 543 Data Visualization and Data Presentation Techniques 2022 1 year, 7 months ago
Dear All,
Here is my dashboard Siriphak’s Malaria Dashboard based on Malaria situation in Thailand (datasource – malaria.ddc.moph.go.th).
Please feel free to comment and provide any suggestions!
Siriphak Pongthai started the topic Discussion Topic for Seminar 1 (Presented by Siriphak): in the forum TMHG 546 Seminar in Health Informatics 2022 1 year, 7 months ago
Topic 1:
Considering factors (residence in lakeshores, male, school age, living in muds house) that increased risk of submicroscopic malaria infection,
what do you think that could potentiate these factors in submicroscopic malaria infection?Topic 2:
Instead of having the highest prevalence of malaria transmission in rainy season,
what do you…[
Siriphak Pongthai replied to the topic Week 3 Visualization project in the forum TMHG 543 Data Visualization and Data Presentation Techniques 2022 1 year, 7 months ago
1. Running sum and comparison
2. Running Delta
3. Drill Down and Date
4. Pivot Table
5. Score Card
6. Time Series
7. Bar Chart
Siriphak Pongthai replied to the topic Week 1 Topic discussion Covid-19 Dashboard in the forum TMHG 543 Data Visualization and Data Presentation Techniques 2022 1 year, 8 months ago
I agree with you on the color as well. Since the early dashboards that were published at the beginning of pandemic. The colors were too harsh to the eyes and scared people by colors intensity.
One more thing I would like to add is about language:
If they want to use transliterated words, it should be all transliterated words. But the above…[Read more] -
Siriphak Pongthai replied to the topic Week 1 Topic discussion Covid-19 Dashboard in the forum TMHG 543 Data Visualization and Data Presentation Techniques 2022 1 year, 8 months ago
What I impress is the color and tone of this dashboard since most of Thailand’s press using strong colors for COVID-19 situation. I like how they use pictures and symbols instead of words this makes me want to read it, rather than provide only information in words without any pictures. Such as the human symbols with colors that classified s…[Read more]
Siriphak Pongthai replied to the topic CRF (Alongkorn) Reviewer Siriphak in the forum Week 2 : peer review CRF assignment 1 year, 8 months ago
Dear Aj. Saranath,
I would like to inform you that since I was not able to review Alongkorn’s, I have already commented on Boonyarat’s CRF topic.
Best Regards,
Siriphak -
Siriphak Pongthai replied to the topic CRF (Boonyarat) Reviewer Alongkorn in the forum Week 2 : peer review CRF assignment 1 year, 8 months ago
May I please provide you some comments since I won’t be able to review the assigned person.
Your CRF is nicely clean and well separated.
I like how you provided the default of 20xx for year, it is very user friendly that they will only write down just 2 digit of year.For pregnant and lactating section, it would better specify only female, thus…[Read more]
Siriphak Pongthai replied to the topic CRF (Siriphak) Reviewer Tanatorn in the forum Week 2 : peer review CRF assignment 1 year, 8 months ago
Thank you for your review and comments. I agree with you that some information in my CRF are somehow over collected and some has to be added. However, for the size of character, I intended it to be that way “dd/MMM/yyyy” because I need the site staff to write month in a capital letter e.g. JAN or FEB. Thus they all will be in the same way and format.
Siriphak Pongthai replied to the topic CRF (Siriphak) Reviewer Tanatorn in the forum Week 2 : peer review CRF assignment 1 year, 8 months ago
I appreciated your comprehensive review and comments. I agree with you that I have missed some part that you mentioned and DOB is an identifiable information. In addition, I have to reconsider for some fix choices that they will be applied for some kind of questions.
Thank you again ^^
Siriphak Pongthai replied to the topic CRF (Alongkorn) Reviewer Siriphak in the forum Week 2 : peer review CRF assignment 1 year, 8 months ago
Could you please kindly notify me by replying to this comment once the CRF is available.
Thank you in advance,
Siriphak -
Siriphak Pongthai replied to the topic Topic Discussion 3 : CRF design in the forum TMHG 550 Data Management 2022 1 year, 9 months ago
Pregnancy test should have available choice for subjects who are male. In order to avoid blank space, the CRF should provide N/A option.
Siriphak Pongthai replied to the topic Week 2 Topic Discussion 2: Data Standards in the forum TMHG 550 Data Management 2022 1 year, 9 months ago
Data standardization improves efficiency by enabling data aggregation from different sources. Since implementing of data standards, it uses the same language, makes the consistency of data, and makes it easier for data transfer and analysis. Most importantly, it enabling the operation efficiency in data management.
Siriphak Pongthai replied to the topic Week 2 Topic Discussion 1 : GCDMP in the forum TMHG 550 Data Management 2022 1 year, 9 months ago
I have been participating in the clinical trials where my position was assigned to different roles depend on the clinical trial. One of the studies, I was assigned to be Pharmacist of Record (PoR). While another study, I was assigned to be Associated Pharmacist (AP). With these two different roles, access control is significantly different.
Siriphak Pongthai replied to the topic Wrap-up Assignment in the forum Week 3 Wrap-up Assignment 1 year, 9 months ago
Your infographic looks very nice. Thank you for sharing this conclusive information in just one page (:
Siriphak Pongthai replied to the topic Wrap-up Assignment in the forum Week 3 Wrap-up Assignment 1 year, 9 months ago
Siriphak Pongthai replied to the topic Topic Discussion 2: Data Management Process in the forum TMHG 550 Data Management 2022 1 year, 9 months ago
I also agree with you that QC check is one of the must step should be completed for data collection processes.
Siriphak Pongthai replied to the topic Topic Discussion 2: Data Management Process in the forum TMHG 550 Data Management 2022 1 year, 9 months ago
Since the project I have worked used secondary data for collection and analysis. However, there are many steps that I haven’t done during data collection.
If I could go back, I would like to do data validation/ data quality control and data quality assurance were not done. SAE reconciliation, external data merging, database lock, or document a…[Read more]
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