18th Virtual International Training Course on Management of Malaria
18th Virtual International Training Course on Management of Malaria,
Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
23-27 November 2020
Background and Rationale
The Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University has been working closely together with the World Health Organization (WHO) in order to eliminate and eradicate malaria for more than 30 years. We have been recently designated as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Case Management, Training and Research on Malaria in order to strengthen WHO malaria programme in management, elimination and eradication of malaria efforts. We are honor and proud to contribute with the World Health Organization and is now implementing all work plans according to Term of References (TORs) as a WHOCC in training, Research and Case Management aspects.
In order to support WHO goal in Global Malaria Elimination, the Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University will be organizing the 18th Virtual International Training Course on Management of Malaria from 23-27 November 2020. This training includes online multimedia presentation, virtual laboratory demonstration, online case discussion and experience sharing sessions between experts from the Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University as a WHOCC for Case Management, Training and Research on Malaria and participants which will be comprise of Medical Doctors, Nurses and Public Health Personnel from all around the world. We are expecting around 30-40 participants who have a medical professional as well as public health backgrounds and have a common interest in Malaria Case Management, Malaria Control and Elimination to register into this online training course.
Course Objectives
– To teach the participants in the management of severe and uncomplicated malaria both in well-equipped hospital and places with limited facilities.
– To be updated with anti-malarial drugs in the treatment of severe malaria.
– To review and train participants in the laboratory diagnosis and vector control for malaria management.
– To understand the recent pathogenesis of malaria.
Course Content
The essential topics in the Online Training Course on Management of Malaria:
– Epidemiology of malaria and overview of uncomplicated malaria
– Overview of severe malaria, diagnosis of malaria Parasites
– Use of anti-malarial drugs and anti-malarial drug Resistance
– Pathophysiology of severe malaria, pathogenesis & pathology of severe malaria (with virtual Lab. demonstration)
– Management of acute kidney failure, acid-base & electrolyte disturbances in severe malaria, management of pulmonary edema in severe malaria
– Management of cerebral malaria & other malarial complications, malaria prevention & chemoprophylaxis
– Malaria vector control
– Nursing care in severe malaria, malaria in pregnancy, management of severe malaria in limited facilities and malaria in children.
Background Requirements
Participants with medical professional as well as public health backgrounds and have common interest in Malaria Case Management, Malaria Control and Elimination are encouraging to register into this course in order to enjoy full benefits from its contents.
Online Registration
All are invited and encouraged to make an early registration and online payment using credit card on our training website www.malariatraining.org in order to secure limited offering seats in this training course. Online registration will be commencing from 1 September 2020 onwards.
Training Methods
This training will be delivering on online platform basis of multimedia presentations including virtual laboratory and case demonstration. All participants and lecturer will be able to discuss on various topics in this online platform and Q&A chat box using ZOOM application. Training materials and handout together with WHO malaria reference handbook in e-form will be handed to all confirmed participants at least 1 week prior to training course start date.
Training will be conduct from Monday 23 – Friday 27 November 2020 between 12.00-16.00 hr. in Bangkok, Thailand local time (GMT+7) in www.malariatraining.org registered and fully paid participants should use their username and password provided after finished payment process to login to this training.
Course Fee
The course fee is US$ 400 per person. Registration fee could be paid in advance using credit care directly in the online training registration platform of the Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University.
Admission Procedure
Eligible candidates are invited to apply using standard WHO fellowship forms available from the respective WHO country offices. Applications need to be endorsed by the national ministries of health and sent to the WHO regional office of South East Asia through the WHO country office. The candidates selected for the course will be communicated by WHO and it will be the responsibility of the candidates to prepare themselves for online application in training website appropriately and in time.
Fellowship from other funding agencies should apply directly to the Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand website www.malariatraining.org
Course Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Polrat Wilairatana,
Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University
420/6 Ratchawithi Road, Bangkok 10400, THAILAND
Tel: +66 (02) 354-9100 ext. 1454
Fax: +66 (02) 354-9141
E-mail: polrat.wil@mahidol.ac.th