Sri Budi Fajariyan replied to the topic Topic 2 Big Data in Health in the forum Week 3 : Significance of health informatics 3 years, 2 months ago
Malaria program data in Indonesia can become big data, based on the characteristics of big data, including:
1. Volume : Indonesia is a big country. there are more than 10,000 health facilities both public and private. currently around 9,000 health facilities report data on malaria programs. With the number of users and the number of malaria cases,…[Read more] -
Sri Budi Fajariyan replied to the topic Topic 1 Significance of health informatics in the forum Week 3 : Significance of health informatics 3 years, 3 months ago
Based on my experience in developing an information system for a malaria program called SISMAL. the existence of SISMAL really helps the program in improving the quality of surveillance as well as monitoring and evaluation. Before the existence of the system, data was collected using paper and manually inputted from paper into excel. data was…[Read more]
Sri Budi Fajariyan started the topic SRI BUDI FAJARIYANI_Healthcare Ransomware Attack at Indiana ENT Office in the forum Week 2 Assignment : Peer review Case Study 3 years, 3 months ago
1.Provide a brief description of the story.
Ransomware attack experienced by carePointe INT in Indiana, a provider of ear, nose, throat, sinus, and hearing healthcare services. The attack took place on June 25 and took personal data of patients which included 48,000 records. The individual data is electronic health records in the form of…[Read more]
Sri Budi Fajariyan replied to the topic Topic 2 Health Information Privacy & Security in the forum Week 2 : Health Information Privacy & Security 3 years, 3 months ago
The attacker can do many terrible things, something that often happens in Indonesia is skimming on automated teller machines so that customers lose their savings. besides that in the last few months in Indonesia there have also been many attacks on whatsapp application accounts, this messaging application is very popular and used by almost all…[Read more]
Sri Budi Fajariyan replied to the topic Topic 1 Computer Networking and Cloud computing in the forum Week 2 : Health Information Privacy & Security 3 years, 3 months ago
I prefer a cloud server over a physical server because of the limitations of the IT officer. cloud server allows for cloud hosting so that server maintenance is carried out by the cloud company. I will choose PAAS as cloud computing because it is possible to create my own applications and security features are already available. Besides that, the…[Read more]
Sri Budi Fajariyan replied to the topic Topic 3 Importance of health informatics during COVID-19 pandemic. in the forum Week 1 : Principle of Biomedical and Health Informatics I 3 years, 3 months ago
In Indonesia, several information systems have been built to overcome COVID, including :
1. The new all record application (NAR), which records data on all PCR examinations in Indonesia, whether in hospitals, health centers or laboratories, or private clinics that have been integrated with the hospital information system so that patient identity…[Read more] -
Sri Budi Fajariyan replied to the topic What is enterprise-wide information? in the forum Week 1 : Principle of Biomedical and Health Informatics I 3 years, 3 months ago
if I’m going to design an inter-hospital health information system architecture then I need:
1. Health workers (doctors, nurses, pharmacists, medical record officers, etc.) each of whom are responsible for providing input in designing data and information needs in each part of the hospital.
2. Databased administrator who will design the database…[
Sri Budi Fajariyan replied to the topic Topic 1 Introduction to PHI in the forum Week 1 : Principle of Biomedical and Health Informatics I 3 years, 3 months ago
as a public health professional and also informatician. I need a lot of skills such as making data standards, data sets, relationships between data, database management, data analysis, and visualization in the process of building an information system in the field of malaria in Indonesia, besides that, I also have to have basic knowledge of…[Read more]
Sri Budi Fajariyan replied to the topic If you are a director or an executive of a hospital in the forum Week 4: Example of Today’s IT Technology 3 years, 3 months ago
I will move the hospital information system into cloud computing. A good hospital information system will make it easier for each department to communicate without having to make direct contact so that it is more efficient in terms of manpower and resources.
Sri Budi Fajariyan replied to the topic How the Internet of Things and Big Data are improving healthcare? in the forum Week 4: Example of Today’s IT Technology 3 years, 3 months ago
Internet of Things and Big Data can improve health care by connecting medical devices and examination results automatically, big data if analyzed properly can provide very useful input for making policies and conducting strategic evaluations. The challenge in its implementation is the difficulty of integrating data between health services, such as…[Read more]
Sri Budi Fajariyan replied to the topic What will you do? Why? in the forum Week 3: Computer Security 3 years, 3 months ago
I will not click the clean button and will exit the message and evaluate the security system on my computer and browser
Sri Budi Fajariyan replied to the topic Has your own computer or computer system at your workplace ? in the forum Week 3: Computer Security 3 years, 3 months ago
several years ago, the information system in my office was attacked by ransomware, but the data is still safe and then we changed the URL to https
Sri Budi Fajariyan replied to the topic Why is dashboard for data visualization important for healthcare? in the forum Week 2: Fundamental of System Development and Tools 3 years, 4 months ago
Dashboards are important in healthcare because they can provide information quickly to stakeholders to take response actions. The characteristics of a good dashboard in my opinion include: – displays the most important data for responding – display data that is easy to understand – displays complete and interesting data in 1 screen
Sri Budi Fajariyan replied to the topic If you want to build a mobile app in the forum Week 2: Fundamental of System Development and Tools 3 years, 4 months ago
I would build an app for the malaria field supervision checklist. With the supervision checklist form that will be carried out according to standards and can find out the gaps in the problems in the field and with the application made, the results of supervision can be analyzed further. I will make a web-based mobile apps application so that it…[Read more]
Sri Budi Fajariyan replied to the topic If you want to create an application whether in the forum Week 2: Fundamental of System Development and Tools 3 years, 4 months ago
Hi Mr. Pongthep Miankaew,
Right now, I’m joining the malaria information system version 3 development team, our programmers now master PHP, and version 2 used the PHP programming language. for further system development, we will use the services of an IT company. for complex information systems that can receive data from computers and androids and…[Read more] -
Sri Budi Fajariyan replied to the topic How Internet technology is useful? in the forum Week 1: Information System and Technology 3 years, 4 months ago
the internet is very useful to improve the quality of healthcare and medicine. The Internet makes it easier to monitor and evaluate data at each service level can be sent directly for planning and decision-making needs. With the data, information can be generated for advocacy and improvement of healthcare. In addition, the existence of the…[Read more]
Sri Budi Fajariyan replied to the topic Suppose you want to collect blood pressure data? in the forum Week 1: Information System and Technology 3 years, 4 months ago
Blood pressure data collection starts from the health service level using PAN or LAN. however, PAN has disadvantages related to distance limitations while LAN is more expensive. Furthermore, to collect data from various clinics to the ministry of health, we can use WAN or the internet because using MAN for a very large area like Indonesia is not…[Read more]
Sri Budi Fajariyan replied to the topic What system do you think? in the forum Week 1: Information System and Technology 3 years, 4 months ago
Information systems are necessary, including in the health system. From my experience, it is not only about disease information systems but also health resource information systems such as logistics. health workers cannot work if logistics are not available. Logistics management records are important for knowing the remaining stock and planning…[Read more]
Sri Budi Fajariyan replied to the topic Introduce yourself in the forum Introduce yourself 2021 3 years, 4 months ago
Hello everyone,
My name is Sri Budi Fajariyani, you can call me Fajar. I come from Indonesia.
I’m working in National Malaria Control Program in MoH Indonesia. I’m responsible for monitoring evaluation and also surveillance. Currently, my team is focusing on developing a new malaria system information call SISMAL V2. I work a lot in data…[Read more]