- This topic has 35 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 7 months ago by
Anawat ratchatorn.
2022-06-21 at 11:19 am #36637
KeymasterPlease submit your final dashboard link and a brief explanation here. Each student is requested to provide comments to friend’s dashboard (at least 1 friend).
Please post a short URL in this forum by copy your PowerBI url to https://bitly.com/ or https://tinyurl.com/ website. Then copy the short url and post in the forum.
Posting a long URL will disable the reply function in our forum.
Sample code:
<a href="ADDyourURLLINK" target="_blank" >My Dash Board</a>
2022-07-07 at 7:34 pm #37079
Arwin Jerome Manalo Onda
ParticipantHi all,
This is my dashboard for the project.
Kindly look at the first two pages only.
I opted to deviate from the JHU dashboard in terms of the color scheme since it was to dark for me. Provided data limitations (ie, vaccination), I opted to simplify the dashboard with only the necessary visualizations included.
This dashboard contains the necessary details to give a user an overview of the COVID-19 situation, that can be filtered by date, continent, and/or country. Map was used to illustrate spread of COVID-19 across the world. Separate bar graphs were also constructed to illustrate confirmed cases, deaths, and recovery. These three parameters are standard across all visualizations for COVID-19. On the second page, I put a 7-day moving average measure since it is one of the epidemiological measures that can be used whether the disease is spreading or contained. Perception-wise, I chose blue for confirmed cases to give some calmness to the user even though the cases are skyrocketing. Deaths were symbolized by red which is usually associated with danger. Recovered was illustrated using green color to mean “go” on with life.
Hope you all like my dashboard and I appreciate your feedback!
2022-07-09 at 1:10 pm #37093
Boonyarat Kanjanapongporn
ParticipantYour dashboard is very well organized. Front, Color and Chart styles are easy readable and understandable. I agreed with including 7 days moving average into trend by time charts, over and under average figures in certain time can be noticed.
Thank you.
2022-07-12 at 10:03 am #37143
KeymasterI agreed with Boonyarat’s comments. Your dashboard is well organized. I also like your background- make the dashboard not too boring and not too distracted.
2022-07-08 at 11:32 pm #37083
Kansiri Apinantanakul
ParticipantHi All,
Please see my dashboard in this link: https://bit.ly/3OYNrCy
This dashboard target group is the scientist/public health scientist who are interested in monitoring COVID-19 pandemic situation. The left panel is the country list table with data bar indicated the daily confirmed cases. This could be use to see the trends of pandemic among countries.
The center panel is the map and the below is the basic statistical aggregated function (min,max,median) as the reference of pandemic situation among countries.
The right panel shows cumulative confirmed, death, and recovered. I also add the daily confirmed cases for current situation monitoring. The below panel is the daily confirmed case trend.This dashboard could be use for pandemic situation monitoring purpose which would help reader understand overall pandemic situation and current situation.
For perception, I personally preferred light theme. I also added some color correlated to human perception (i.e. red=death)
2022-07-09 at 12:22 am #37089
ParticipantThank you for your report.
I like the way you use the set of color and theme that very clear and easy to understand in the aspect of human perception. I can see the trend of daily confirmed cases clearly. This dashboard is very suitable for monitoring the COVID-19 situation all over the world in the present day.Well done!
2022-07-09 at 9:45 am #37092
Kansiri Apinantanakul
ParticipantThank you for your comments!
2022-07-09 at 2:42 pm #37094
Boonyarat Kanjanapongporn
ParticipantYour dashboard is well arranged and come with friendly color scheme. Current Max daily confirmed is helpful possibly for making journey decisions. I’m wondering on slicer on the top right. Since the starting default, mostrecentdate and notrecentdate haven’t been picked. I’m not sure whether mostrecentdate has to be selected all the time or not.
Thank you.
2022-07-12 at 10:05 am #37144
KeymasterYour dashboard is informative, nice, and clean. I also like your color theme.
2022-07-08 at 11:57 pm #37084
Napisa Freya Sawamiphak
ParticipantPlease find my dashboard here https://tinyurl.com/2m42769d
I prefer white background, and I try to use simple charts/graphs as my expected users are both healthcare professionals/public health and non-healthcare professionals.
The first page of the dashboard provides an overview of distributed cases (confirmed cases, recovered cases, and deaths) across the globe. It can help public health professionals to understand the situation of COVID-19 going on across regions/countries. The user can use the maps or slicers to filter the data belonging to specific country/capital and date. Even though the maps show only confirmed cases, the recovered/deaths data were linked to the maps. Therefore, the user can also get the cumulative recovered/deaths. There is a graph showing the trend of cases over time and a table for complete data. Moreover, The second page shows the cases by continent. Additionally, the user can select country-level data from the slicers.
2022-07-09 at 9:44 am #37091
Kansiri Apinantanakul
ParticipantThank you for your report ka
It’s very impressive that you create 2 pages dashboard. This dashboard could provide both countries and continent point of view. The theme is clean and easy to read as well. -
2022-07-11 at 3:20 pm #37135
Arwin Jerome Manalo Onda
ParticipantHi Napisa,
On the second page, I think there will be mislabeling on the graphs if you use the slicer to filter by country. I like the idea of using a slicer on case counts but I think it would be more helpful if the numbers were categorized (eg, 1000, 10000, 1M) than using a slider.
Overall, nice work! I also like a simple looking interface.
2022-07-11 at 8:29 pm #37137
Napisa Freya Sawamiphak
ParticipantThank you, Kansiri and Arwin đŸ™‚
2022-07-12 at 10:09 am #37145
KeymasterNice and informative dashboard. I agreed with Arwin that the slicer function may not be that useful. I’m not sure how much information we can filter from the slicers.
2022-07-09 at 12:00 am #37085
ParticipantHi everyone,
Here is my dashboard: https://tinyurl.com/2p9ah2e4This dashboard shows the situation of COVID-19 at the present day. It contains the confirmed cases, recovered case, and death cases in each country and region. You can see that the theme of this dashboard is the dark theme and I use hot tone to show that how serious of the situation these day. I also use the line chart to show the trend of cumulative confirmed cases, recovered cases, and death cases by date.
2022-07-09 at 9:41 am #37090
Kansiri Apinantanakul
ParticipantThank you for your report.
Your dashboard provides comprehensive information your reader. The black theme with orange typography suit the pandemic situation well. -
2022-07-12 at 10:29 am #37150
KeymasterAgree with Kansiri that the color theme is good. I spotted that the number of recovered is always 0. I’m not sure if there are something wrong with the data connection.
2022-07-09 at 12:09 am #37086
Boonyarat Kanjanapongporn
ParticipantHello everyone,
My dashboard link : https://tinyurl.com/udvk2jbj
This dashboard presents covid-19 related situations for general reader. Color represented Confirmed, Recovered and Deaths are consistency in Warm tones(Red), Blue and Grey respectively.
First page shows overview information. Current number of Confirmed, Recovered and Deaths are shown in Cards. Weekly cases by time could be seen by Column charts. Comparison between Continents are provided by Tornado charts. Different sizes and color of bubble in Maps might help the reader to roughly notice high confirmed cases regions. This page mainly inform and compare globally current situations. However, figures of each continent and country can be selected by continent slicer above and clicking on preference country in Maps respectively.
Second page illustrates country’s situations. Top 10 Confirmed cases countries are selected to display Confirmed number in Cards and situation by time in Line graph. Highest peak and trend moving could be compared. The bottom part, each country situations are shown in Cards and preference country can be chosen by slicer. This page provided number and trend by time chart for reader who interested in specific region.
Thank you.
2022-07-09 at 4:30 pm #37096
Sri Budi Fajariyan
ParticipantThank you for making a clear dashboard with a good design good color selection and presenting weekly data that is easy to evaluate
2022-07-11 at 3:16 pm #37134
Arwin Jerome Manalo Onda
I like how the first page provides an overview of the worldwide situation while the second page provides a focused analyses (ie, Top 10 countries, per country). I like the use of the tornado diagram for the case counts and deaths. đŸ™‚
2022-07-12 at 10:17 am #37148
KeymasterAgreed. I like that you have two dashboard, one in general and one to focus on top 10 countries. On the map, the bubbles have many color, not sure if each color has its own meaning.
2022-07-12 at 5:02 pm #37152
Boonyarat Kanjanapongporn
ParticipantI was thinking that it might be too many colors for map. Each color of bubble related to number of total confirmed cases i.e Red bubbles are for countries which have more than 5M total confirmed cases. I tried used the same color but it was hard to differentiate in the area that have many small countries together ka.
Thank you everyone for the comments and any recommendations would be appropriate.đŸ˜€
2022-07-09 at 4:27 pm #37095
Sri Budi Fajariyan
ParticipantHi All,
Here is the dashboard https://bit.ly/3yUFZCU , which contains:
-a map containing comparisons of confirmed cases between countries
-Card that contains information on total confirmations, cures, and deaths globally
-Table containing confirmed case data by country
– Barchart containing case confirmation data per continent
– Line chart containing daily trend of cases, cures, and deaths
– Slicer to filter data by date range
This dashboard contains daily data that can be cumulative with a slicer, so it is easy for readers if you want to know the total data per certain time range either per country, the continent, or the global total.-
2022-07-09 at 6:06 pm #37098
ParticipantYour dashboard is well organized and summarized. Essential information is easily recognizable. It is a good idea to use a slicer to make the dashboard more interactive.
2022-07-12 at 10:11 am #37146
KeymasterNice dashboard! One thing, the bubble in the map might be too colorful. I’m not sure if the color of the circles has meaning or not.
2022-07-09 at 5:46 pm #37097
ParticipantDear all,
Please follow the link below to access my dashboard.
https://bit.ly/3RkGGMMThis dashboard tries to provide an overview of the COVID-19 pandemic situation in terms of the number of confirmed cases, death and recovered cases with a table, cards, and map functions. A line chart displays the daily trend of cumulative cases of confirmed, recovered, and death.
2022-07-10 at 9:40 pm #37100
Karina Dian Lestari
ParticipantHi Taro, your dashboard is clean and contains the necessary information. One thing to note, I realised that the date format is mm/dd/yyyy which sometimes can get confusing for some of your reader. I suggest the month is formatted to the name of the month to make it clearer. Thank you for sharing.
2022-07-12 at 10:14 am #37147
KeymasterYour dashboard theme is nice and calm (I can feel that). Beside Karina’s suggestion, your title of the map could be revised to make it more meaningful. “Max of confirmed by country/region” You may need to clarify what “Max” refer to.
2022-07-10 at 7:26 pm #37099
Karina Dian Lestari
ParticipantHi all,
Kindly see my Power BI dashboard here. I choose to use a black background with some light text colour to make it contrast with the background. The one-page dashboard includes all the basic info about the COVID-19 situation such as confirmed, recovery, and death. The number on the tables is daily for people who are interested in seeing the daily number. The highlighted visualisation in the dashboard is the map which can show us the distribution and do a quick comparison of different sizes of COVID-19 cases between the countries.
I hope you find the dashboard helpful. I’m glad to receive any comments on the dashboard.
2022-07-11 at 8:26 pm #37136
Napisa Freya Sawamiphak
ParticipantI love it!!. I am not actually a fan of a black background, but you designed it well. It looks nice with the light text!!. The table and map/graph are well-designed and capture all necessary information. I have only one comment. I think the recovered/deaths data in the table represented cumulative numbers rather than daily cases (except I filter only 1-day-data). Therefore, It would be nice to adjust the table headlines for recovered/deaths. However, please let me know if I misunderstood.
Well done!!
2022-07-12 at 10:20 am #37149
KeymasterWell done! I like that you used the time slicer to let readers filter for the time period.
2022-07-15 at 1:49 am #37154
Tossapol Prapassaro
ParticipantHere is my dashboard https://tinyurl.com/2abpx3zw
It contained a total of confirmed cases, recovered cases, and deaths. This dashboard also visualizes the bubbles on the map so you can easily see roughly how the situation between countries. It also shows the daily new case and daily deaths. The table in the bottom right list the countries which had the highest reported confirmed cases.
2022-07-24 at 12:54 am #37347
Tossapol Prapassaro
ParticipantHere is my new dashboard link https://tinyurl.com/ykrmukva
2022-07-26 at 5:28 am #37396
Anawat ratchatorn
ParticipantYour dashboard is clean and also providing all necessary information.
I like that you use log-scale in the chart too.
2022-07-15 at 11:16 pm #37156
Hazem Abouelfetouh
ParticipantHello everyone,
This is my Dashboard.The dashboard shows the situation of COVID-19 using clean theme. It contains filters by date range and by country and a table for confimed cases per country. The dashboard contains also a line chart for confirmed cases and death with trend line, and a cards for population no. and cases no. (Confirmed, Recovered, Death)
2022-07-26 at 5:25 am #37395
Anawat ratchatorn
ParticipantThis is my Final Dashboard.
My Dashboard is quite informative but not to deep in-detail and I want all information to be in just 1 page.
I want people to understand big picture comprehensively about Covid-19 Situation.The dashboard include.
1. 3 Card to give number of Total cases, Total Deaths, Total Recovered cases.
2. Matrix that provide deeper information, exact number for each continent and countries (notice that total row is not equal to the number on the cards above because I exclude some data such as Summer/Winter Olympics)
3. Line chart that provide total cases from starting to current dat with trendline and prediction. You can select time period by sliding the gauge below the chart.
4. Donut chart to give information about proportion of cases in each continent.
5. Map, that I decide to start with continent because it’s cleaner and easier to look than starting with country. but you can drilldown to see each countries’ bubbles.
6. 100% stack column to give information about changes of proportion between continent. I want people to know how covid-19 pandemics changes over time in term of affected area.
7. Daily cases chart to let people know how severe is Covid-19 pandemics compare to past.
8. Slicer to filter by area and by date.in term of human perception.
1. I try to use as less colors as possible.
2. I use line chart without area to make it looks clean.
3. I use donut chart to represent proportion because it contains both angle and length.
4. 100% stack column chart is also easy to look at a certain time because it contains both area and length( if we look at a single time point)
5. For the map. I think showing bubbles as a country is a bit difficult to read. So I decided to show the continent bubble first to make it looks cleaner and people can drilldown deeper if they want. Continent bubble is also easier to interpret than countries’ bubble in term of bubble size.
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