Anawat ratchatorn replied to the topic Module 6 Topic discussion in the forum TMHG 548 Research Methods In Health Informatics 2022 1 year, 10 months ago
Efficacy is usually used in scientific setting under very specific and controlled conditions. It indicates whether the intervention can achieve the desired result or not.
Effectiveness is the measure of how well the intervention is in the real-world settings. It might be sometimes difficult to achieve high effectiveness even the interventions…[Read more]
Anawat ratchatorn replied to the topic Module 3 Topic discussion in the forum TMHG 548 Research Methods In Health Informatics 2022 1 year, 10 months ago
I think that awareness of project’s importance might be considered as confounders in this case.
– Young adults are the group understanding how beneficial is technology. Thus, it might lead to higher number of young adults intending to use the application constantly because they know that technology can finally provide benefits.
– Young adults are…[
Anawat ratchatorn replied to the topic Module 3 Topic discussion in the forum TMHG 548 Research Methods In Health Informatics 2022 1 year, 10 months ago
I think that awareness of project’s importance might be considered as confounders in this case.
– Young adults are the group understanding how beneficial is technology. Thus, it might lead to higher number of young adults intending to use the application constantly because they know that technology can finally provide benefits.
– Young adults are…[
Anawat ratchatorn replied to the topic Module 2 Topic discussion in the forum TMHG 548 Research Methods In Health Informatics 2022 1 year, 10 months ago
I am interested in Case-Fatality rate (range 0-100%) or sometimes called case-fatality ratio (0-1).
The definition of case-fatality rate (CRF) is the measure of number of confirmed deaths among number of confirmed diagnosed cases for particular disease during a given time.
To calculate CRF we can use the formula CFR in % = (Number of deaths from…[Read more]
Anawat ratchatorn replied to the topic Module 8 Topic discussion 2 in the forum TMHG 548 Research Methods In Health Informatics 2022 1 year, 10 months ago
I strongly agree that the new technology replacing the old one should be at least as useful as before. There will be many resources, such as workforce, investment, and time, needed in the process of technology implementation. So, it is nothing to implement the new technology without any improvement.
Other than the usefulness of the technology…[Read more]
Anawat ratchatorn replied to the topic Module 8 Topic discussion 2 in the forum TMHG 548 Research Methods In Health Informatics 2022 1 year, 10 months ago
I totally agree with Kansiri.
Anawat ratchatorn replied to the topic Module 8 Topic discussion 1 in the forum TMHG 548 Research Methods In Health Informatics 2022 1 year, 10 months ago
I agree with all comments above. Factors including personal factor (Age, Experience, Digital literacy) and others are vital for technology adoption.
However, from my experience, Support is the most important factor. Many struggles can be solved with a decent support from executives and IT team. For instance, some people with bad experience using…[Read more]
Anawat ratchatorn replied to the topic Module 9 Topic discussion in the forum TMHG 548 Research Methods In Health Informatics 2022 1 year, 10 months ago
I would start figuring this problem by
1. Research more articles and research papers relating to this problem.
2. Perform interview with specialists especially local experts.
3. Conduct interview. I would go for semi-structured interviews that can provide me both expected answer and might provide unexpected views from the respondents. -
Anawat ratchatorn replied to the topic Module 9 Topic discussion in the forum TMHG 548 Research Methods In Health Informatics 2022 1 year, 10 months ago
This answer is very comprehensive and useful for others.
Anawat ratchatorn replied to the topic Module 10 Topic discussion in the forum TMHG 548 Research Methods In Health Informatics 2022 1 year, 10 months ago
It is very sure that just several non-identification data can identify me.
Sex : Male
Education : MD from Khon Kaen University. Studying BHI.
Previous job : Chief Information Officer at Ratchaphruek Hospital PCL Khon Kaen.
Age : 30 -
Anawat ratchatorn replied to the topic Week 3 Topic 1 in the forum Week 3 Discussion 1 year, 10 months ago
I would go for the point No. 11 that said P=0.05 and p < 0.05 are the same.
The point was described using analogy that said have the height less than 2m and equal to 2m are not the same. When we talk about less than some certain values, it means we don’t include the value. In stats, p = 0.05 and p < 0.05 are completely different. Thus, we, as…[Read more]
Anawat ratchatorn replied to the topic Introduce yourself about your background in the forum TMHG 531 Statistics in health science 2022 1 year, 11 months ago
Hi everyone.
I am Anawat Ratchatorn. I’m from Thailand and I have a background in healthcare field as a general practitioner. I am fascinated by IT and health data science.
I used to work as a chief information officer for a private hospital in Khon Kaen, Thailand.
At that time we were dealing with vaccination programme against Covid-19. So I…[Read more] -
Anawat ratchatorn replied to the topic Apriori Algorithm: Definition of Lift and its interpretation in the forum Archive 2022 2 years, 2 months ago
I also curious the same issue as Kansiri.
As I know from searching in the internet.
I found the formula to calculate lift as this picture
Formula of Lift (ref: https://bigdata.go.th/big-data-101/data-science/what-is-association-rule/)From the formula, in my own understanding.
If lift of A -> B is high, it means that we won’t see A or B…[Read more] -
Anawat ratchatorn replied to the topic Week 4 Graphs/Chart in the forum TMHG 543 Data Visualization and Data Presentation Techniques2021 2 years, 6 months ago
Your dashboard is clean and also providing all necessary information.
I like that you use log-scale in the chart too. -
Anawat ratchatorn replied to the topic Week 4 Graphs/Chart in the forum TMHG 543 Data Visualization and Data Presentation Techniques2021 2 years, 6 months ago
This is my Final Dashboard.
My Dashboard is quite informative but not to deep in-detail and I want all information to be in just 1 page.
I want people to understand big picture comprehensively about Covid-19 Situation.The dashboard include.
1. 3 Card to give number of Total cases, Total Deaths, Total Recovered cases.
2. Matrix that provide…[
Anawat ratchatorn replied to the topic Week 3 Visualization project in the forum TMHG 543 Data Visualization and Data Presentation Techniques2021 2 years, 6 months ago
Here is my Dashboard For Week3
1. The First Page is overall page
– Use Card and Multi-Row Card to display big-sized number of Total Cases, Total deaths, and Total Recovered.
– I decided to use donut chart to demonstrate Proportion of Total case by Continent to let you see big picture of covid19
– I used line chart with trends line and prediction…[Read more] -
Anawat ratchatorn replied to the topic Week 2 Visualization project in the forum TMHG 543 Data Visualization and Data Presentation Techniques2021 2 years, 6 months ago
This is my dashboard
It consists of 5 pages.
1. The first page demonstrates Overall Covid-19 situation including Total cases, total deaths, and the line chart of total confirmed cases by date sliced by continents and country. The first dashboard provide overall situation and trend of cumulative cases to make us understand a big picture.
2. The…[Read more]
Anawat ratchatorn replied to the topic CRF (Sri Budi Fajariyani) in the forum Week 2 : peer review CRF assignment 2 years, 6 months ago
Overall CRF is very clear and easy to use. There are some suggestion from me.
1. It would be good to create box or space in many field that should be filled in numeric such as BP, HR. To be more clearer
2. Physical Examination should be more comprehensive not too narrow and too specific. -
Anawat ratchatorn started the topic What are pros and cons of using freetext to record health data. in the forum Discussion Topic for Seminar 3 (Presented by Anawat) 2 years, 7 months ago
What are pros and cons of using freetext to record health data.
Anawat ratchatorn started the topic Have you ever used Snomed-CT in you work. in the forum Discussion Topic for Seminar 3 (Presented by Anawat) 2 years, 7 months ago
Have you ever used Snomed-CT in you work, including clinical use, research or whatever.
How do you think about using it compare to other terminologies. - Load More