Currently at a non-governmental organization (NGO), I am working on a health system improvement strategy that involves establishing a facility-based program within an existing clinic in a remote, conflict-affected area. This initiative aims to enhance access to healthcare, improve patient follow-up, and boost patient satisfaction. However, it has not yet fully met its objectives according to the World Health Organization’s six building blocks, which include:
• Service Delivery
• Health Workforce
• Health Information System
• Financing
• Medicine & Technology
• Leadership & Governance
Our implementation process focuses on service delivery, health workforce, and health information systems to sustainably enhance health system performance.
For service delivery, we are establishing standards for essential service packages and promoting access to these services among relevant partners utilizing the facility-based health system. Regarding the health workforce, we are identifying, providing, and supporting community health workers to deliver health services effectively. We also offer feedback on health worker performance to refine health system processes. In the health information systems, we are transitioning to a digital health system to oversee and monitor health data, facilitating informed decision-making.
To summarize, we must work on enhancing the health system using the six building block framework. However, the effectiveness of these functions relies on critical elements like service delivery, health workforce, and health information systems, while improvements in other functions are also necessary.
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