1. From the results, What would you recommend to Tak Hospital to improve the syphilis surveillance system?
As per most of case populations are non-Thai speakers, I think to improve the syphilis surveillance system could aware and improve multilingual communication, this should be helpful to translate any materials and make sure they understand their diagnosis, treatment, following-up and other procedures. Additionally, mHealth (the mobile app) may be requireed to implement and provide services to patients for follow-up scheduling, notification reminders, providing guidelines as well as telemedicine should be implemented in services for remote areas for consultations and any unexpected circumstances if arise in the border area.
2. Do you have experience with disease surveillance systems? What are the strengths and weaknesses of that system?
No, I do not have any experiences regarding to the disease surveillance system, however what I can find the strengths and weaknesses that could be:
Strengths –> Up-to-date and real time data collection, this can help to analyze and provide the detection/response of emerging matters + The disease surveillance system can interact with the outbreaks immediately by implementing machine learning which have the ability to predict risk or reduce human error of the reports + Centric-data sources, the system could be able to integrate data from different locations, this help to reduce duplication.
Weaknesses –> Ethical and privacy concerns, patient personal data is confidential upon data collection + Lack of interoperability, different systems among organizations are barrier and time consuming to work on datasets + Lack of funds and sufficient infrastructure, no fund is a big challenge to hire professionals and build enough facilities for implementing the disease surveillance system.