Because the suicide rate is generally rising in Thailand, the author would like to find the economic and social factors which relate to the suicide rate in different regions.
Females as head of family was one factor related to suicide rate. A culture where males dominate led to the suffering of women from abusive husbands and depression. In this situation, the happiness among women decreased and led to suicide. In Thailand the culture of male domination might not happen in gender equality areas; however, this might still happen in some societies. Therefore, investigating areas with different numbers of females as the head of family, could reveal negative association toward the suicide rate. Areas which have a greater number of female family leaders might have less suicides.
Suicide is not a contagious disease, and it seems to be an individual mental status problem. However, there are possible external factors which could alter mental status and push people into suicide such as economic status, social and culture. Living in certain areas, culture and status where people are immersed with factors contributing to potential suicide, might lead to higher suicide rate.
The proper modelling analysis is the way to alter data to reliable evidence which will benefit toward the environment investigation. From the data previous, the statistical model would help to find the relationship between factors and suicide rate, and also quantify the relationship to predict the suicide rate. After realizing the factors from the model, prioritizing areas could be performed to tackle the suicide problem from originating causes in different areas.
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