Net Pracharat is a flagship digital infrastructure development project of Thailand. The main objective of Net Pracharat is to strengthen National Broadband Network by expanding high-speed Internet networks to reach all villages in the country and the local Thai people who live in remote areas will be able to access broadband or high-speed Internet.
With Net Pracharat, local people can access useful information and services in many areas, such as education, public health, and government services – leading to improvement in the quality of life.
For the profit that the Thai people will get from this service is a lot, but there are cons too. Below are cons that I think that they will expend to a big problem in one day in the future:
– Security and data privacy problems.
– Overload demand in internet speed and time period for usage.
– Cost in maintenance and upgrade infrastructure.
– Data phishing (rural user lack of knowledge and method to prevent phishing attacks)
– The social problem, for example, youth or student use internet in the wrong way (playing game /gambling online, watching pornography)