Wirichada Pan-ngum replied to the topic Week 4 : Project Management in the forum TMHG526 Organizational Behavior and Management Skills 1 week ago
Good discussions on different tips for project management for different kinds of jobs here. There are some similarities there where if there is a teamwork, it is impossible to plan and do things without communicating with your team members. It would be a disaster and unpleasant project, I think!
Wirichada Pan-ngum replied to the topic Week 4 : Project Management in the forum TMHG526 Organizational Behavior and Management Skills 2 weeks ago
I always find the software design projects last longer than expected. The user requirements keep extended and never quite end! Certainly you will need a good plan and the strict Gantt chart might be hopeful like you suggest.
Wirichada Pan-ngum replied to the topic Week 3 : Building high performance teams in the forum TMHG526 Organizational Behavior and Management Skills 2 weeks ago
Good points…how to motivate others if you don’t feel it yourself!
Wirichada Pan-ngum replied to the topic Week 3 : Building high performance teams in the forum TMHG526 Organizational Behavior and Management Skills 2 weeks, 3 days ago
Good to hear that 🙂
Wirichada Pan-ngum replied to the topic Week 3 : Building high performance teams in the forum TMHG526 Organizational Behavior and Management Skills 2 weeks, 3 days ago
Sounds like a really nice boss 🙂 Probably difficult to find one. If you have one, then you are lucky!
Wirichada Pan-ngum replied to the topic Week 1 : Emotional intelligence in the forum TMHG526 Organizational Behavior and Management Skills 4 weeks ago
I am closing the discussion now. please move on to discuss in other topics to gain points for the course.
Wirichada Pan-ngum replied to the topic Week 1 : Emotional intelligence in the forum TMHG526 Organizational Behavior and Management Skills 4 weeks ago
Agreed with Aung’s approach of small wins!
Wirichada Pan-ngum replied to the topic Week 1 : Emotional intelligence in the forum TMHG526 Organizational Behavior and Management Skills 4 weeks ago
Good approach on understanding the others. We cannot change others, it is possibly easier to focus on improving ourself. All the best, Chanapong!
Wirichada Pan-ngum replied to the topic Week 2 : Listening skills in the forum TMHG526 Organizational Behavior and Management Skills 4 weeks ago
What an enjoyable conversation you guys are making there. It is definitely showing how you listen to each others. I hope you can continue to practice this skill and continue to build a good relationship with each other, at least the peers of your year!
Well done 👍 -
Wirichada Pan-ngum replied to the topic Week 1 : Emotional intelligence in the forum TMHG526 Organizational Behavior and Management Skills 1 month ago
Thanks Cing for sharing about yourself. I agree that we have the choice how much we express and interact with others..just do it naturally. Your consideration and good heart will put you to the right action. Forcing yourself too much is tiring and not lasting. For self-regulation, my recommendation is easy. Just realising your current emotion, it…[Read more]
Wirichada Pan-ngum replied to the topic Week 1 : Emotional intelligence in the forum TMHG526 Organizational Behavior and Management Skills 1 month ago
I know you pretty well after working together for a few years, Jumbo. I know you are kind and patient although you don’t show it clearly but it reflects in your actions and behaviors. Perhaps learn to improve the communication and share some thoughts and feelings with people when appropriate. Respect yourself and much as respect others!
Wirichada Pan-ngum replied to the topic Week 1 : Emotional intelligence in the forum TMHG526 Organizational Behavior and Management Skills 1 month ago
Always rooms for improvement I am sure, Aung!
Wirichada Pan-ngum replied to the topic Week 3: Discussion on model interventions in the forum TMHG535 Mathematical and Economic Modeling Applications in Biomedical and Public Health Forum 2 months, 2 weeks ago
The overall interventions added to the baseline model are making sense. Based on the lecture on intervention study, I think you should think how these interventions can be incorporated into the model e.g. would you just adjust the related parameter value? or do you need to add some extra compartments? The important note is how to make it as simple…[Read more]
Wirichada Pan-ngum replied to the topic Week 2: Discussion on disease characteristics and model structure in the forum TMHG535 Mathematical and Economic Modeling Applications in Biomedical and Public Health Forum 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Let’s try to declare next the scenarios that we want to explore in this model regarding the home isolation. I believe the code can run. Let’s learn more about its behaviour.
Wirichada Pan-ngum replied to the topic Week 2: Discussion on disease characteristics and model structure in the forum TMHG535 Mathematical and Economic Modeling Applications in Biomedical and Public Health Forum 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Ok. it is a good baseline malaria model. Now think about what you want to explore, population movement. How does it change the structure? Let’s just assume a net constant of people coming into the system. If they coming as S alone, what happens? If they come in as S and R (assuming not sick of malaria), what happens? And if they come in as S, I…[Read more]
Wirichada Pan-ngum replied to the topic Week 2: Discussion on disease characteristics and model structure in the forum TMHG535 Mathematical and Economic Modeling Applications in Biomedical and Public Health Forum 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Hi Ching, Does it run through in R? I think it is not important if the code is not working right now. So for your project, what questions do you want to answer and how do you want to modify this structure? Once we are clear on this we can adjust the structure and we can try to code in R. If it is too complicated at the moment, I think it may be…[Read more]
Wirichada Pan-ngum replied to the topic Week 2: Discussion on disease characteristics and model structure in the forum TMHG535 Mathematical and Economic Modeling Applications in Biomedical and Public Health Forum 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Pyae, it would be good to try coding this in R and see if you can produce some graph results. No need to try to do model fitting or validation at the moment. Just run the model to get the sense of how changing each parameter affects the model output.
Wirichada Pan-ngum replied to the topic Week 1: Discussion on choice of disease and questions in the forum TMHG535 Mathematical and Economic Modeling Applications in Biomedical and Public Health Forum 3 months ago
Apart from suicide I think other topics are ok for the infectious disease modelling so I suggest you find some 1-2 relevant modelling papers (try to stick to the simple model in some public health journal, rather than mathematics journals). See if you agree with the model structure, can it be simpler or it should be more complicated…it is up to…[Read more]
Wirichada Pan-ngum replied to the topic Week 1: Discussion on choice of disease and questions in the forum TMHG535 Mathematical and Economic Modeling Applications in Biomedical and Public Health Forum 3 months ago
First of all, suicide is not infectious disease and so it is not quite the kind of model we use in this course here. The questions proposed would mostly be answered from statistical analysis. The model we learn here is mechanistic, describing the disease progression. Maybe you want to choose an infectious disease?
Wirichada Pan-ngum replied to the topic Topic 2 Discussion in the forum Week 4 : Discussion 10 months ago
Although some people might not have direct involvement in COVID-19 pandemic from their job. We are all citizen affected from the pandemic. By complying with the government’s strategies, self-care and care to the family or being considerate with some communications on social media etc…these are all very important contribution to the effective…[Read more]
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