Wichayapat Thongrattana replied to the topic CRF (Myat) Reviewer Wichayapat in the forum Week 2 : peer review CRF assignment 1 year, 9 months ago
Dear Aj. Saranath, I have been eagerly waiting for another week, hoping that the assignment would become available for me to review. However, there is still no sign of it. Consequently, I have decided to proceed with reviewing Jintana’s assignment instead.
Wichayapat Thongrattana replied to the topic CRF (Jintana) Reviewer Myat in the forum Week 2 : peer review CRF assignment 1 year, 9 months ago
Dear Jintana,
Your CRF design is quite compact and clean. However, there are several points that I would like to suggest. For the year of birth, you should specify the type year such as B.E.(Buddist) or CE(Chrost). The age section can be designed as an open-ended question for more precise information. It would be better if you add more sections on…[Read more] -
Wichayapat Thongrattana replied to the topic CRF (Wichayapat) Reviewer Boonyarat in the forum Week 2 : peer review CRF assignment 1 year, 9 months ago
I agree with you that there is a lot of space for improvement in several sections of my CRF. It is a good suggestion to put the check box on post-vaccination reaction. For chronic illness, in my opinion, if the disease is already resolved, then it should not be assigned in the first place. For the redundancy suggestion on chronic illness and…[Read more]
Wichayapat Thongrattana replied to the topic CRF (Myat) Reviewer Wichayapat in the forum Week 2 : peer review CRF assignment 1 year, 10 months ago
Dear Aj. Saranath, Today is the due date of the peer review assignment but there is no available assignment from Myat in this forum. Could you please inform me what should I do?
Wichayapat Thongrattana replied to the topic Topic Discussion 3 : CRF design in the forum Week 2: Good Clinical Data Management Practice (GCDMP) 1 year, 10 months ago
I also think the unit measurement is important but the unit should also relied on the preference of the individual. Since the conversion those are performed in later analysis process.
Wichayapat Thongrattana replied to the topic Topic Discussion 3 : CRF design in the forum Week 2: Good Clinical Data Management Practice (GCDMP) 1 year, 10 months ago
In my opinion, the place holder format of blood pressure should be the same format of box format as the other variable in the same field. This should be fix to avoid the doubt of speciality that field among the other in filling the information. Even this point is kind of small, the improvement of this could potentially reduce the confusion and…[Read more]
Wichayapat Thongrattana replied to the topic Week 2 Topic Discussion 2: Data Standards in the forum TMHG 550 Data Management 2022 1 year, 10 months ago
one example of the benefits of having data standards for clinical research is improvement in the compatibility of the dataset among different studies. Data standards provide a guideline and framework for collecting, formatting, and storing data ensuring that all of the published data is in the same direction. From this, it will be easier to…[Read more]
Wichayapat Thongrattana replied to the topic Week 2 Topic Discussion 1 : GCDMP in the forum TMHG 550 Data Management 2022 1 year, 10 months ago
I suggest you should consider to keep the data in the google sheet as it is easy to use, user friendly, and provides several feature such as real-time team editing, migrate function, edit log, and several data management plugin. Moreover, there is also the javascript library that can save the data into google sheet.
Wichayapat Thongrattana replied to the topic Week 2 Topic Discussion 1 : GCDMP in the forum TMHG 550 Data Management 2022 1 year, 10 months ago
I would like to share my experience as data manager on landslide data hub project. The purpose of this project is to create an online data storage system for keeping the data related to landslide disaster such as rainfall, soil type, and geography. The web-based record form was construct according to the list of variable and requirement provided…[Read more]
Wichayapat Thongrattana replied to the topic Topic Discussion 2: Data Management Process in the forum TMHG 550 Data Management 2022 1 year, 10 months ago
Based on my experience in data collection/management, I have done many projects related to data analysis and database management that cover most of the steps in the lecture. However, each work did not include all of the processes due to the different specifications of the task. The steps which I never do is Data Quality Control and SAE…[Read more]
Wichayapat Thongrattana replied to the topic Topic Discussion 1: Data Collection Strategies in the forum TMHG 550 Data Management 2022 1 year, 10 months ago
I would like to share my experience in data collection during the “Human User Interface” study which I enrolled in during my bachelor’s degree. The subject is related to the design of graphic user interfaces (GUI). The data collection was performed during the project development which me and my team need to develop a GUI in mobile…[Read more]
Wichayapat Thongrattana replied to the topic Week 3: Discussion on model interventions in the forum TMHG535 Mathematical and Economic Modeling Applications in Biomedical and Public Health 2021 2 years, 5 months ago
From my topic of interest on Tomato flu, as the limitation of information available on this disease, I instead do the research for effective intervention on HFMD, the origin of Tomato flu. There are two candidate interventions in concern which are vaccination and Educational communication.
For vaccination, though the conservational vaccination…[Read more]
Wichayapat Thongrattana replied to the topic Week 2: Discussion on disease characteristics and model structure in the forum TMHG535 Mathematical and Economic Modeling Applications in Biomedical and Public Health 2021 2 years, 6 months ago
For my study on Tomato Flu, I plan to use the SIR model.
There is a change on scope of work to focus on only Kerala, a state in India, since it is a solely state where Tomato flu case reports are publicly available.
According to (https://www.bmj.com/content/378/bmj.o2101.long), Tomato flu, a self-limited disease, is caused by enterovirus(EV)…[Read more]
Wichayapat Thongrattana replied to the topic Week 1: Discussion on choice of disease and questions in the forum TMHG535 Mathematical and Economic Modeling Applications in Biomedical and Public Health 2021 2 years, 6 months ago
The research question would be “What is the major risk factor driving the Tomato flu pandemic in India and how contagious is it?”
Wichayapat Thongrattana replied to the topic Week 1: Discussion on choice of disease and questions in the forum TMHG535 Mathematical and Economic Modeling Applications in Biomedical and Public Health 2021 2 years, 6 months ago
Thank you for your reply Aj.Wirichada,
According to this journal (https://journals.lww.com/pidj/Fulltext/9900/Kerala_Tomato_Flu___A_Manifestation_of_Hand_Foot.160.aspx), Tomato flu is caused by enteroviruses(EV) Coxsackie A16 (CA16) which is the same EV that cause Hand Foot and Mouth disease(HFMD). Although their sequence are not identical,…[Read more]
Wichayapat Thongrattana replied to the topic Week 1: Discussion on choice of disease and questions in the forum TMHG535 Mathematical and Economic Modeling Applications in Biomedical and Public Health 2021 2 years, 6 months ago
I choose Tomato flu as my topic of interest.
My study will focus on upsurge of Tomato flu in India at country scale.
The research questions I wish to answer are predicting progression of pandemic(case estimation) and finding key parameters which driven the outbreak for preventive measure.