w.thanachol replied to the topic Seminar2_PyaePhyoAung_Discussion in the forum Discussion Topic for Seminar 2 (Presented by Pyae Phyo Aung) 4 years, 5 months ago
1. Developing countries like us should start health information with the small scale of the technology and put more effort into workforce development as we can put the workforce work better without paying as high as investing in technology. Mobile software is a promising technology to improve the timeliness of information sharing until the…[Read more]
w.thanachol replied to the topic MY Discussion in the forum Discussion Topic for Seminar 1 (Presented by Chalermphon) 4 years, 5 months ago
1. The study showed that SO2 in the resident had spatial autocorrelation to AECOPD in the clustering pattern as well as in the workplace both were statistically significant. However, the Moran’s I index in the residence subgroup showed more clustering pattern more in the workplace as in the residence. This was only my interpretation.
2. This kind…[
w.thanachol replied to the topic Final Dashboard Submission in the forum Final Project 4 years, 5 months ago
w.thanachol replied to the topic Final Dashboard Submission in the forum Final Project 4 years, 5 months ago
Please visit this link https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMTI2NjdkYzctNDA2MC00OTJmLWE3ZmMtNTU2ZWM4MmY5NTVhIiwidCI6ImE1NjYxYjU3LTQ3ZDItNDNlNC04MGFhLWYxNzcwMTZhNTJmYiIsImMiOjEwfQ%3D%3D.This dashboard could visualise total cases categorised by confirmed, recovered and death cases and the readers are able to select a country and these numbers will…[Read more]
w.thanachol replied to the topic Week 4 Graphs/Maps submission in the forum Week 4 : Graphs,Charts 4 years, 5 months ago
Please visit my link https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNzI3ZWUxMDctNDU5My00NWU0LWI4ZmEtNDE0YzE2YjMzMDU3IiwidCI6ImE1NjYxYjU3LTQ3ZDItNDNlNC04MGFhLWYxNzcwMTZhNTJmYiIsImMiOjEwfQ%3D%3D.
GIS map helps the reader to understand the burden of confirmed cases by reporting country while the scatter chart in Power BI can visualize a number of confirmed…[Read more] -
w.thanachol replied to the topic Week 3 : Visualization Project in the forum Week 3 Visualization Project 4 years, 6 months ago
Please visit my dashboard in this link https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiOWZkNTU1YWQtZTAzZC00ZDgyLWI1OGQtYTI2OTA1NWIwNjIxIiwidCI6ImE1NjYxYjU3LTQ3ZDItNDNlNC04MGFhLWYxNzcwMTZhNTJmYiIsImMiOjEwfQ%3D%3D. I would like to show a total number of confirmed cases by country, trends of confirmed, death and recovered cases, Proportion of confirmed case…[Read more]
w.thanachol replied to the topic Week 2 : Visualization project in the forum Week 2 : Visualization project 4 years, 6 months ago
Please visit my published power BI on this link: https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNGYzMjRiMGUtNmQxMS00ZTM2LTlmN2EtZjJhMDExNzlmZWYxIiwidCI6ImE1NjYxYjU3LTQ3ZDItNDNlNC04MGFhLWYxNzcwMTZhNTJmYiIsImMiOjEwfQ%3D%3D
In fact, the matrix function allows users to calculate variable by dimensions such as summarise, average, or other advance formulas.…[Read more]
w.thanachol started the topic Thanachol in the forum Week 1: Data Visualization Concept 4 years, 6 months ago
I like COVID-19 dashboard from John Hopkins University from this link https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html. This website provides three main updated dashboards including world map, the US map, critical trends. The first world map is the number of total confirmed cases worldwide and is presented in an interactive geological map. Clicking on the red…[Read more]
w.thanachol replied to the topic Thanachol-JC presentation in the forum Week 4 JC Presentation 4 years, 7 months ago
Thank you for your comments, Chalermphon. I agree that this study should discuss other risk factors and give us more reasons to the accident-prone area than the environmental factors.
w.thanachol replied to the topic Thanachol-JC presentation in the forum Week 4 JC Presentation 4 years, 7 months ago
Thank you Chanapong and Ameen for your interesting questions.
For Chanapong’s question, the author did not discuss why there was a high number of collisions around the bus terminal. However, in my point, it is crowded and has a high traffic density around the bus terminal. As well as, population around those areas also higher than the rest.For…[Read more]
w.thanachol replied to the topic Koonthida-JC Presentation in the forum Week 4 JC Presentation 4 years, 7 months ago
Thank you for your presentation. I wonder that relative risk for lung cancer among male was in a different area compare to female? To be precise, Although it is related to the environment, why male in Chiang Mai had a higher risk for lung cancer meanwhile female in Chiang Rai had a higher risk for the same disease?
w.thanachol replied to the topic PyaePhyoAung-JC presentation in the forum Week 4 JC Presentation 4 years, 7 months ago
Thank you for your presentation.
I wonder that any explanation for the income inequality, median household income, the percentage of nurse practitioners and percentage of the black female population showed a positive coefficient to the prevalence of COVID-19? -
w.thanachol replied to the topic Tullaya-JC presentation in the forum Week 4 JC Presentation 4 years, 7 months ago
Since most of the case is suspected case, did the article provide a case definition in the national surveillance system for dengue viral disease or other arboviral disease, if so what are they?
w.thanachol replied to the topic Thanachol-JC presentation in the forum Week 4 JC Presentation 4 years, 7 months ago
View my presentation via this link
https://1drv.ms/u/s!AuYEviQmBmomuDWfdrNAOis8uhTb?e=a3Jc9n -
w.thanachol started the topic Thanachol-JC presentation in the forum Week 4 JC Presentation 4 years, 7 months ago
w.thanachol replied to the topic Thanachol-JC paper in the forum Week 2 JC paper 4 years, 7 months ago
Thank you for your comment.
w.thanachol replied to the topic Koonthida-JC paper in the forum Week 2 JC paper 4 years, 7 months ago
I prefer you to choose the first paper which is about lung cancer mortality than the second one. To support my choice, firstly, the first paper has a clear objective, also its methods and results are relevant. On the other hand, the second article has several objectives and showed a more sophisticated series of methods and results. Secondly, the…[Read more]
w.thanachol replied to the topic Tullaya-JC paper in the forum Week 2 JC paper 4 years, 7 months ago
It is quite difficult to choose these two papers out of another one. The first one is more straightforward and simple. We can learn how to make a situation analysis with a geographical image. However, it is not quite interesting to me because it used plain method. On the other hand, the second one is more complicated. It is a mixture of…[Read more]
w.thanachol replied to the topic Pyae Phyo Aung-JC papers in the forum Week 2 JC paper 4 years, 7 months ago
The first paper (GIS-based spatial modeling of COVID-19 incidence rate in the continental United States) is better in terms of quality and importance. This article has a clear objective and we can learn from this article better. It is also related to spatial analytical method which is appropriate for our class.
w.thanachol replied to the topic Pyae Phyo Aung-JC papers in the forum Week 2 JC paper 4 years, 7 months ago
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