Ching To Chung replied to the topic Q&A Meeting arrangement session week 2 in the forum Data mining and machine learning 5 months ago
I am trying to do assignment 2 of constructing a decision tree. However, I don’t see any labels that I can predict on using the dataset. The original dataset contained a malignant/benign label. The dataset I download from the assignment page has no such label. A tree cannot be constructed without the prediction label since it is not an…[Read more]
Ching To Chung replied to the topic Week 3: Discussion on model interventions in the forum TMHG535 Mathematical and Economic Modeling Applications in Biomedical and Public Health Forum 5 months, 1 week ago
Here are some common methods that are used for the prevention of HPV.
### 1. Vaccination
Vaccines like Gardasil and Cervarix protect against the most common high-risk HPV types such as HPV 16 and 18. In places like Hong Kong, there is an emerging HPV vaccination capaign to provide free doses to primary school children in their adolescence…[Read more]
Ching To Chung replied to the topic Week 2: Discussion on disease characteristics and model structure in the forum TMHG535 Mathematical and Economic Modeling Applications in Biomedical and Public Health Forum 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Modelling HPV
The primary mode of HPV transmission is through vaginal, anal, or oral sex with an infected person. Many individuals with HPV are asymptomatic and often unknowingly transmit the virus to others. There are many different types of HPVs, some doesn’t cause much symptoms, but there are high risk types which may lead to cervical cancer…[Read more]
Ching To Chung replied to the topic Week 1: Discussion on choice of disease and questions in the forum TMHG535 Mathematical and Economic Modeling Applications in Biomedical and Public Health Forum 6 months, 1 week ago
I am interested in exploring the transmission of HPV (Human Papillomavirus) in Hong Kong. HPV is one of the most significant sexually transmitted infections and may act as an oncovirus potentially causing cancer. However, there has been little attention on the topic by the public health authorities in Hong Kong until recently. Optional free HPV…[Read more]
Ching To Chung started the topic Week 4: Incorrect local Moran's I Map in the forum Course Forums 6 months, 1 week ago
I have downloaded the code for week 4 and after running it, I noticed that it generated a map of local Moran’s I that looks different from the video. This is very strange because I did not amend the code in any way. I am wondering if others have this problem as well?
This is the map that I am getting. It looks very different from the one that is…[Read more]
Ching To Chung replied to the topic Week 4: Error in Running "Exceed Probability" Section in the forum Course Forums 6 months, 1 week ago
Thank you so much! You’re a genius!
I have also just noticed that the code generates an incorrect map of the local Moran’s I. I am opening another thread for it. Do you have any ideas why?
Ching To Chung started the topic Week 4: Error in Running "Exceed Probability" Section in the forum Course Forums 6 months, 2 weeks ago
Hi. I have downloaded the code from week 4. All parts worked fine except the Exceedance probability section.
At line 74, exc1 <- sapply(mod.eco.reg$marginals.fitted.values,FUN = function(marg){1 – inla.pmarginal(q = 1, marginal = marg)}) returned an empty list. This caused the subsequent lines to fail.
I have spent a long time attempting to…[Read more]
Ching To Chung replied to the topic Discussion Topic for Seminar 12 (Presented by Teerawat Pholyiam) in the forum TMHG 546 Seminar in Health Informatics Forum 6 months, 3 weeks ago
Question 1: How will you apply the results of this research article into different health care departments/settings or chronically ill patients, if this would be beneficial in your future practices e.g., Mental Health, Diabete, Oncology or others?
This paper shows the potential and importance of integrating ePROs in modern day healthcare. There…[Read more]
Ching To Chung replied to the topic Discussion Topic for Seminar 11 (Presented by Soe Htike) in the forum TMHG 546 Seminar in Health Informatics Forum 6 months, 3 weeks ago
1. How can integrating environmental data improve the accuracy and timeliness of malaria outbreak predictions compared to relying solely on epidemiological data?
From what I learnt in my undergraduate studies, I had a seminar where we discussed that certain infectious diseases have been exacerbated by influences of climate change under the…[Read more]
Ching To Chung replied to the topic Discussion Topic for Seminar 10 (Presented by Weerapat) in the forum TMHG 546 Seminar in Health Informatics Forum 6 months, 3 weeks ago
Question 1: In your experience, what are the biggest challenges to achieving sustainability in health information systems, and how can they be addressed?
I think the biggest problem is planning ahead, since government officials tend to be rather short-sighted and see functions of EHIS as individual one-off projects. This means that as opposed to…[Read more]
Ching To Chung replied to the topic Discussion Topic for Seminar 9 (Presented by Pyae Thu Tun) in the forum TMHG 546 Seminar in Health Informatics Forum 6 months, 3 weeks ago
Seminar 9
1. Please discuss how you think the perceived ease of use and usefulness may differ among the different demographics. – Age – Gender – Education levelFor age, I think the younger generation would find it easier to use new technology, while the older generation generally struggle with the skills of using smartphones and operating a…[Read more]
Ching To Chung replied to the topic Discussion Topic for Seminar 8 (Presented by Nichcha Subdee) in the forum TMHG 546 Seminar in Health Informatics Forum 6 months, 3 weeks ago
1. From the results, What would you recommend to Tak Hospital to improve the syphilis surveillance system?
A recurrent theme in the paper is the difficulty to operate the system when it comes to non-Thais. This is important as the majority of the Syphilis cases is attributable to non-Thais, and cases are likely to be underreported when it comes…[Read more]
Ching To Chung replied to the topic Discussion Topic for Seminar 7 (Presented by Nichcha Subdee) in the forum TMHG 546 Seminar in Health Informatics Forum 6 months, 3 weeks ago
1. How can implementing artificial intelligence technologies in epidemic surveillance systems be enhanced to better detect and respond to disease outbreaks?
I think a great potential is the power of the LLM models nowadays that allow real-time monitoring of online unstructured textual data. Nowadays our epidemic preparedness is dependent on…[Read more]
Ching To Chung replied to the topic Discussion Topic for Seminar 6 (Presented by Myatt Htoo Linn) in the forum TMHG 546 Seminar in Health Informatics Forum 6 months, 3 weeks ago
1. What additional factors should be considered to identify barriers and unmet needs in health information seeking among youth for HIV/STI and RH than in the paper?
I think peer influences and the attitude of friends could be included in the paper. I saw some respondents saying that they took HIV test because their friends are also taking it. But…[Read more]
Ching To Chung replied to the topic Discussion Topic for Seminar 5 (Presented by Panyada) in the forum TMHG 546 Seminar in Health Informatics Forum 6 months, 3 weeks ago
1. How can the decision tree model be integrated into clinical practice to assist surgeons in preoperative planning and decision-making?
While the decision tree model may not be a big game-changer in clinical practice, I think it can offer some valuable cautions for surgeons because they may have underestimated certain risks happening in the…[Read more]
Ching To Chung replied to the topic Assignment 2.1 in the forum Assignment 6 months, 4 weeks ago
1. Why was the author interested in investigating the suicide problem in Thailand during the time?
The author was interested in the investigation because the number of suicides in Thailand has seen a general increase over the past decade, ranging from 3600 to 4000 cases every year. While in other developed countries, scholars have conducted a huge…[Read more] -
Ching To Chung replied to the topic Assignment 1.1 in the forum Assignment 7 months ago
What are possible reasons locations in epidemiological research have not been incorporated as much as other components in epidemiological research? How can spatial epidemiology be considered as an interdisciplinary science?
As mentioned in the paper, I think two of the major reasons is the availability of data and the appearance of easy-to-use…[Read more]
Ching To Chung replied to the topic Discussion Topic for Seminar 3 (Presented by Thitikan) in the forum TMHG 546 Seminar in Health Informatics Forum 7 months, 3 weeks ago
1. I think for hospitals and medical facilities that have decided to incorporate medical AI systems into their diagnosis or treatment process, they need to set up a dedicated department to handle ethical issues and problems surrounding the use of AI. The department should be in charge of oversight of all AI uses, and regularly review its security…[Read more]
Ching To Chung replied to the topic The mPower Heart Project in the forum TMHG 546 Seminar in Health Informatics Forum 7 months, 3 weeks ago
1. Hong Kong is a very urbanized city, so there is no decision support system that is specifically developed for rural areas. However, in China, this is a very common problem as there are millions of people living in rural areas, and there is great discrepancy in medical technology and personnel. In rural areas, they have clinicians known as…[Read more]
Ching To Chung started the topic Discussion Topic for Seminar 1 (Presented by Ching To Chung, Toby) in the forum TMHG 546 Seminar in Health Informatics Forum 8 months ago
Machine Learning Approaches to Predict Symptoms in People With Cancer: Systematic Review
1.What are the stakeholders that should be involved in applying Machine Learning in symptom prediction? What are their roles and responsibilities?
2. What potential ethical considerations or challenges should researchers and clinicians keep in mind when…[Read more]
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