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    • #44665
      User AvatarSirithep Pl

      Hello, everyone!

      I’m sharing my COVID-19 dashboard with you. You can view it via this link to Looker Studio: (

      The dashboard features:
      – Scorecards for confirmed cases, recovered cases, and deaths.
      – Time series charts showing cumulative confirmed and death cases.
      – Geochart displaying confirmed cases.
      – Summary table with numbers for confirmed cases, recovered cases, and deaths, drillable by country, year, and year-month dimensions.

      You can filter the dashboard by country, continent, and date range, and reset filters using the ‘reset filter’ button. Additionally, you can download the report by clicking the ‘download report’ button.

      I look forward to your comments and suggestions!


    • #44393
      User AvatarSirithep Pl

      Hi everyone, I would like to share the data visualization project of this week.
      Running sum
      Running delta
      Drill down1
      Drill down2
      Pivot table
      Score card+Time series
      Score card+Bar chart

      • #44395
        User AvatarSirithep Pl

        I made the mistake in the last one. This is the corrected bar chart.

    • #44133
      User AvatarSirithep Pl

      First, your CRF was well-organized and easy to follow. Your CRF had several strength to avoid the errors as follows:
      – Your CRF clearly separated the sections, which were easy to understand.
      – The parts of subject ID, date and time had the filling boxes to avoid the errors.
      – Your questions were clearly described.
      – The vital signs and physical examination were completed, including checkbox for not done.
      – Clearly defined the laboratory results in HAI titers
      – The enrollment, vaccination and adverse event parts were quite informative for collection and useful.
      Your CRF is excellent. Thanks for the good example of CRF. I have learnt from you after the reviewing and give me the lesson to correct and improve my CRF.

    • #44065
      User AvatarSirithep Pl

      The pregnancy test had only negative and positive results. Some conditions such as male participants or not performing tests in female participants were not performed on this test, the collector might have filled the negative result that made the error in data collection.

    • #44064
      User AvatarSirithep Pl

      One of the significant benefits of having data standards for clinical research is improved interoperability. When the dat is standardized, it becomes easier to exchange, compare, and combine information across different studies for better collaboration among researchers.

    • #44063
      User AvatarSirithep Pl

      In my experience in data management in my research project about histopathological findings, the data collection was the secondary data, so the collected data had the time stamp to trace back. This data had the authentication for the user to access and retrieve the data. After exporting the data from the database, we checked the data in completeness and logical error. Then, we used software such as Microsoft Excel or SPSS to analyze the data. The data was duplicated for back up to prevent the unexpected event in raw data.

    • #43995
      User AvatarSirithep Pl

      In my experience, my data collection was based on existing data, so I followed the data management workflow in some steps. These steps were included:
      Data design: to define the essential variables in the study,
      Data acquisition from database,
      Data manipulation and analysis, and
      Study report.
      During my data management workflow, I had problems about missing data and incomplete data, which I had to review the raw data. Therefore, some steps should be added to improve my projects, including data validation and data assurance. These steps could improve the accuracy of the data and meet the project objectives.

    • #43994
      User AvatarSirithep Pl

      In my experience, I collected data for research purposes such as the correlation between cytopathological and histopathological findings. These data collections were secondary data that I retrieved from the database in tabular form and chose the essential variable in my research. However, some variables were not recorded in the database, such as microscopic features, or they were in passage forms, which should be reviewed and extracted into the required variables.

    • #42951
      User AvatarSirithep Pl

      In my opinion, if I have to develop the disaster recovery plan , the procedures in the plan should be included as follows:
      1. Risk and threat identification – In this step, the list of operations in the working system should be done and leads to identify risks and threats that can disrupt the working continuity.
      2. Risk classification – After identification of the risks and threats, they should be classified into categories including external risk, facility risk, data system risk, departmental risk and desk-level risk
      3. Risk assessment – Making the risk analysis score for deserving which critical risk should be taken more attention.
      4. Determining the effects of disasters – After assessment of the risk, the effects of each risk should be considered for the disaster recovery process.
      5. Evaluation of disaster recovery mechanisms – after identification of the risks and their effects, the resources that are employed in the recovery process should be defined such as data systems, power system, network system. The related suitable technology for standalone organization is backup data or replicated data in an outsource place or cloud to recover the data system during disaster recovery process. The additional power supply is essential for emergency use of the power system during a disaster.
      6. Disaster recovery committee assignment – the personnel from different departments should be participating in this committee. This committee is responsible for creating and maintaining disaster recovery plans, detecting and announcing when the disaster event happens, activating, executing and monitoring disaster recovery plan, and continuously improving the disaster recovery plan.

    • #42908
      User AvatarSirithep Pl

      High availability (HA) implementation in a hospital information system (HIS) offers numerous benefits for both patients and the healthcare organization. In my opinion, HA ensures the continuous access to critical patient data and healthcare services, and helps to improve patient care, enhance operational efficiency, and reduce costs.

      The benefits for patients are as follows:
      Improved Patient Care: healthcare providers can have continuous access to patient data for decision making, and patient safety.
      Reduced downtime: continuous access to the HIS eliminates downtime and delays in accessing patient data to improve patient satisfaction.
      Enhanced Emergency Response: critical patient information is readily available during emergencies, enabling healthcare providers to respond immediately.

      The benefits for hospitals are as follows:
      Increased Operational Efficiency: HA minimizes disruptions to operations, and focuses on providing patient care rather than dealing with IT issues.
      Reduced Costs: HA helps to reduce cost due to downtime and it can minimize the risk of data loss.
      Enhanced Reputation: providing reliable and consistent care is essentiall for attracting and retaining patients.

    • #42863
      User AvatarSirithep Pl

      From my experience, I have not gotten into this problem directly. However, I have experienced a situation that had a risk of losing the confidentiality of the information system.

      What happened?
      After maintenance of the laboratory information system, the system was logged in by the user as usual and the report had to be approved by username and password again. Unfortunately, when the user would like to report the results, they only entered or clicked the report without confirmation by username and password. Moreover, this event could be done by anyone.

      How did it affect the system or users?
      This event affected the preservation of the principle of information security in 2 domains. First is the confidentiality that anyone can report the results without authorization. Another domain is integrity that unauthorized users can report the wrong results into the hospital information system. These affect the patient’s care if these defects were not corrected.

      And how to prevent it?
      System should be checked before implementation to detect and check the defect that could affect the principle of information security.

    • #42440
      User AvatarSirithep Pl

      From the topic discussion 1, I discussed how the laboratory information system in pathology has been implemented for several years, and also mentioned about the defects and out-of-date tasks at the end of discussion. The system should be changed and updated for the current situation and trends. I will discuss the change management based on ADKAR model as follows:

      – Awareness: Staff and laboratory personnel should be know about current situations and trends for awareness to be changes, for example, the database cannot support for more users and the change in user database may be affect the integrity of previous reports in the system, current trends for digital pathology which can be evaluated and reported from anywhere and anytime.
      – Desire: The staff and laboratory personnel should be involved in the development process, but current status only the leader and his small groups involved in this project and not shared the progress information.
      – Knowledge and ability: If the new system is successfully developed, It should be shared and train the stakeholders to make familiar use and comment on the defect of the system.
      – Reinforcement: The implementation will not be too forced and the comment on defects of the system should be aware and adapt for suitable implementations as the habits. Importantly, the system should make and point the users to see that it helps them in their daily works.

      This new project is in process and few related stakeholders (not me) involve, but the change will be successful when all have the collaboration to develop and change.

    • #42439
      User AvatarSirithep Pl

      In my organization, the laboratory information system in pathology has been implemented for several years (more than 10 years). The system is used for specimen registration, tissue block sending between lab., slide preparation, reporting diagnosis, consultation. According to long use of this system, it seems to be successful by these following factors:
      – data: The storage of data has integrity and accuracy. The timestamp is made in each step of the laboratory process. These data can inquire when users would like to immediately demand.
      – cost: This system is developed and maintained by in-house programmers, so the expenditures tend to not be much.
      – operation: The system has IT personnel who support when the system has problems.
      – design: the system has easy to use interfaces and covers almost all laboratory processes.
      – people: the users are satisfied to use this system for several years.

      The former statement showed that this system seems to be successful. On the other hand, the system is out of date in some aspects, such as
      – old technologies in program coding and databases that cannot be applied to new tasks or services which use the new technologies.
      – inappropriate or overlapping process, for example, the system has reporting and approval tasks which are overlapping and may cause confusion when using this data to calculate turn around time.
      – some paper-based works that are not stored in the main system, but they are scanned and stored in separate hard drives.

      According to these events, this system has to change for updating and supporting the new technologies particularly in the digital era.

    • #42376
      User AvatarSirithep Pl

      Should you give the data out?
      How do you not violate any of the General Principles of Informatics Ethics?

      In the given scenario, I think I cannot provide the individual-level data as requested. If I provide these data, I violate the General Principles of Informatics Ethics in several aspects:-
      – Information privacy and disposition about privacy data in each individual’s disease status, home address, contact number, and other private information
      – legitimate infringement that violate the right of privacy and control over personal data and
      – accountability for protect these data

      If you want to provide the data to them, what and how will you do it?
      In the forced situation that I have to provide these data, I should ask and negotiate with them about their study for which information is necessary to use and analyze. If some data should not be used at the individual level, they should be provided at the village or sub-distinct level. If some data have to be individual level, they should be anonymized to protect the private information before sending them to the research team.

    • #42357
      User AvatarSirithep Pl

      What should you do?
      As a health information professional – can you tell your friend?

      As I was one of the healthcare personnel and health information professionals, I should hold on to the principle of ethics. In this given situation, I should have accountability and respect to the privacy rights of the patient. Although this information is related to my close person, the information of her husband should be protected and confidential. So, I do not tell my friend about this information.

      Can you interfere with other people or family issue?
      But, should your friend not know about this because she might be at risk?

      According to the former statement, this information is private information, I cannot interfere with his/her life and family. Though she is in risk, I can only talk to her as the usual conversation such as her own and her husband health, advice her for check up her health if she seems to be high risk.

      How will you follow the fundamental principles about the right to self-determination, doing good and doing no harm to others?
      Isn’t it your obligation and the right of the subject to hold the information?

      Following these principles, I respect the confidentiality and privacy of the patient information for self-determination. I cannot disclose the information without consent. I can only provide advice or information to related persons for decision making in doing good and no harm to others.

    • #42350
      User AvatarSirithep Pl

      Can you give an example of Decision Support System used in your organization?
      In my experience, I have not been related to decision support systems, but at least I have experience with hospital EMR systems. The systems have the alert notification for drug allergy and the specific prescription of drug or ordering the X-ray for a specific department of physicians.

      Is it working well?
      This system helps the physician to be aware to prescribe inappropriate drugs and investigate patients.

      Are there any factors that might influence the decision support system implementation in your organization?
      – Human factors: to concern the usefulness of decision support system and practice for using it
      – Technology factors: to improve service quality in access to computers and action to technical problems

    • #42309
      User AvatarSirithep Pl

      ICD is the standard code for clinical terms that is used for health recording and statistics. These data and statistics support the systems, service planning, administration of quality and safety, and health services research. ICD is globally used for ensuring semantic interoperability and reusability in different countries or regions and at different times.
      If the hospitals in the country do not use the ICD standard, it may affect several aspect as follows:
      Health statistics: the collected data may be in different formats in different hospitals. The usability to analyze is difficult.
      Payment system and administrative system: the systems may be affected for service planning, policy making, resource management and decision support.

    • #42290
      User AvatarSirithep Pl

      According to this article, the ‘doctoring while typing’ is one of the main causes of physician burnout. Particularly, the poorly designed interface and alert fatigue increase the physician’s stress in documenting and examining the patients at the same time.

      In my experience, some alerts that always notify the officers when logging in or changing the window in EHR or any applications, were usually ignored. They may be read when the officers need to know. The poorly designed programme/application is a burden for officers, for example, the details of documents cannot automatically be saved and they are lost when the window shuts down. This problem affects the officers in patient’s care quality, time management and operating system.

      In my opinion, the stakeholders should raise the problems and comment to the developer team for adjusting the appropriate system e.g. autofill form, common template, alerts in essential tasks. In the situation that the program cannot be changed, the operating system should be changed, such as recruiting a physician’s assistant for documenting. These might relieve the stress or burnout for using EHR.

    • #42134
      User AvatarSirithep Pl

      Have you ever observed a health informatics project in your (other) organization? Please provide a brief introduction.
      I have not ever been in any health informatics project, but as one of the patients who received the healthcare service, the appointment application (such as RamaApp) is an interesting project to help increase the value of healthcare practices. This application can be used for making or changing appointments to meet physicians, collect specimens for laboratory investigation before the appointed date or drug refill.

      How can this health informatics project help to improve the current practices?
      This application helps to improve the patient convenience to decrease the times of visit to hospital, paper-based workload for healthcare personnel.

      Are there any challenges or difficulties in implementing the project?
      This application can be used by only a single institute. If it can be widely used and shared between several hospitals, it may improve the healthcare service system.

    • #42119
      User AvatarSirithep Pl

      In my opinion, eHealth is the integration of knowledge in healthcare practices with electronic technology into the projects/programmes that improve the health service, education and disease surveillance.

      According to Shaw T, et al (2017), the authors provide the three domains of eHealth.
      1. Health in our hand: this domain uses the technologies to monitor, track and inform health, for example, the physician can use a mobile phone to access the internet searching for the evidence-based information to support clinical decision making at bedside.
      2. Interacting for health: this domain uses the technologies to communicate between stakeholder in health. The examples in this domain are telemedicine that communicates between physician and patient, or teleconsultation that can communicate and consult between general physician and specialists from distant places.
      3.Data enabling health: this domain uses the technologies for data collection, data management and use of health data sources that provide the new knowledge and information for healthcare in various levels.
      However, these domains overlap in reality and impact for the new innovation.

    • #42058
      User AvatarSirithep Pl

      The asset tracking data could be considered as Big Data. In the large organization or hospital, there are many valuable assets in each department that have to record and track. These data are concordance to the 5Vs of Big data characteristics as follows:

      1. “Volume”: Each department have different asset to record, for example,
      in-patient care units have durable assets (e.g. patient bed, medical devices) and consumable products (e.g. saline solutions, drugs, etc.)
      Laboratory units have durable assets (e.g. laboratory machine, microscope) and chemical solutions, etc.
      These data are large in quantity and essential for intradepartmental/organization’s management.

      2. “Velocity”: The velocity for generating, storing and analyzing data is one of the characteristics of Big data. In the hospital or organization, the recording and tracking of the data about the durable and consumable goods in each department are fast in day or month for consumable products and in quarter or year for durable assets.

      3. “Variety”: The recorded data of the assets are in various file types or values from each department due to the difference of types of assets.

      4. “Value”: These data are valuable for the hospital and organization for managing the resource to administrate hospital services and budget.

      5. “Veracity”: These data must be accurate and reliable for appropriate context within data analysis. If they are not accurate, the mistake will happen and may mislead for asset management.

    • #41908
      User AvatarSirithep Pl

      From this situation, we have limitations in human resources to take the responsibility in IT. If we implement the physical server for development and deployment of web-based application, we should require several infrastructures rather than staff including space and physical security for the physical server, planning and expenditure for this project. We have to spend time, effort and cost too much for these requirements in this situation. Thus, the cloud server is the appropriate choice to develop this application.

      The kind of cloud computing service model in this situation should be platform as a service (PaaS). Because we focus on the development of the web-based application, this service model is appropriate for developers to spend time coding, testing and deploying the application instead of dealing with the hardware.

    • #41900
      User AvatarSirithep Pl

      In my status as a user and not proficient in technical knowledge, the human may be the weakest point to attack. The password is one vulnerability to attack the system. Some users may use the same username and password or the password that is easy to guess. The dictionary attack is the one way that the attacker can access the system. So, the training for intradepartmental staff and password policy are essential to prevent this attack.

      The phishing is another attack that creates convincing emails requesting potential victims to click a link to update their account information. The attacker receives the privacy data and can access the system. Thus, the training for cybersecurity awareness is helpful. Fortunately, the devices which are related to the health information system in my workplace, cannot be access to the internet, they may be another option to prevent this attack.

    • #41755
      User AvatarSirithep Pl

      Example of the existing project:
      During the outbreak, “Thai Chana” was the widely used mobile application in that situation. It was easy to use, only scanned the QR-code to check-in and check-out in each place where the people went to. This application aimed to collect these data and used to trace the people who came to the COVID-19 outbreak place. Another objective for this application was providing the data to registered place for evaluation the crowding of the people in own place for adjustment the entry or service

      After this application was launched, some problems were discovered.
      – First was the user experience. Although this application was easy to use for checking-in to the place, some people (e.g. me) frequently forgot to check-out. These may affect the data integrity for management and tracing.
      – Another concern was about personal data privacy. The people were concerned about the privacy of their data and how the government would secure them and manage when the data were leaked.
      – In the late phase of the pandemic, we had many applications other than Thai Chana, which had to register in each new application. There was a lack of interoperability between each application.

      How to improve the project:
      The well architecture of the application is the essential knowledge and skill to improve the implementation of the application. All stakeholders should be included such as healthcare providers/administrators for providing the requirement in the health science aspect and communicate to IT technicians to design and develop the user friendly application.
      As aforementioned, the data privacy and security were the concern of this application. Thus, in the application development, the essential data should be collected. The data security method should be ensured.
      Finally, interoperability between each application should be available to decrease redundancy of the data entry and improve the data sharing between applications.

    • #41752
      User AvatarSirithep Pl

      In my background of profession in pathology, although it is just a part of the healthcare system, the information is too much. If this data is appropriately managed and used, it is valuable for clinical and public health management.

      About my expectation, I would like to gain and understand computer science and information technology for data management and implementation. Additionally, learning and sharing the knowledge and experiences from classmates are important to expand and improve me.

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