Kamonporn Suwanthaweemeesuk replied to the topic CRF (Auswin) Reviewer Kamonporn in the forum Week 2 : peer review CRF assignment 3 years, 6 months ago
It was easy to read with complete information as given. There was some information that need to be in detailed more such as severity of reaction.
Kamonporn Suwanthaweemeesuk replied to the topic Topic Discussion 3 : CRF design in the forum Week 2: Good Clinical Data Management Practice (GCDMP) 3 years, 7 months ago
the consistency of number that represent normal and abnormal in physical examinations should correlate with pregnancy test.
Kamonporn Suwanthaweemeesuk replied to the topic Topic Discussion 2: Data Standards in the forum Week 2: Good Clinical Data Management Practice (GCDMP) 3 years, 7 months ago
Standardized data is more meaningful, more comparable, and easier to exchange and store
Kamonporn Suwanthaweemeesuk replied to the topic Topic Discussion 1 : GCDMP in the forum Week 2: Good Clinical Data Management Practice (GCDMP) 3 years, 7 months ago
I have no experience in this field. I’m looking forward to learn more.
Kamonporn Suwanthaweemeesuk replied to the topic Topic Discussion 2: Data Management Process in the forum Week 1 : Principle of Clinical Data Management 3 years, 8 months ago
From my experience in data management, I Found that the subject matter was data collection. It seems to be easy but when actually doing it Some of the teams working with us do not do what we originally communicated, such as failing to enter log books, which is where we need to check and reiterate our understanding.
Kamonporn Suwanthaweemeesuk replied to the topic Topic Discussion 1: Data Collection Strategies in the forum Week 1 : Principle of Clinical Data Management 3 years, 8 months ago
From my work experience as family medicine residency
1. Purpose of data collection: For improve tele-palliative care service.
2. it was primary data collection.
3. Interviewer-administered
4. At first, I let nursing assistant to recruit patient and record log book but I found out later that she didn’t have time to record log book. So I decided t…[Read more]