Kaung Khant Tin replied to the topic Topic 2 Standards in the forum Week 4 : Roles of Information Systems in Public health Practices II 4 years, 2 months ago
ICD is the international classification of disease system which is used, as the name says, for classification of diseases and related health problems. It serves as a semantic standard in the interoperability layer. If the ICD standard is not used in the hospitals, the interoperability of the health information system will be seriously affected.…[Read more]
Kaung Khant Tin replied to the topic Topic 1 Health Information Exchange in the forum Week 4 : Roles of Information Systems in Public health Practices II 4 years, 2 months ago
Yes, I agree with your suggestions. I think technology barrier to the EMRs is no longer a case as everyone is literally using mobile devices and so they are not that strange to the IT. The key barrier is the reluctance to the change which can be solved by leadership, incentives and advocacy.
Kaung Khant Tin replied to the topic Topic 1 Health Information Exchange in the forum Week 4 : Roles of Information Systems in Public health Practices II 4 years, 2 months ago
What do you think about this finding?
Honestly speaking, this article surprised me a little bit. Before that, I’ve thought that the implementation of the EMR to the clinical setting would make a faster and easier recording system for the clinicians so that the clinicians are satisfied with the results. This article presented a different approach t…[Read more] -
Kaung Khant Tin started the topic Week 2 Case Study 2 – Two phishing attacks on Minnesota DHS (Kaung Khant Tin) in the forum Week 2 Assignment : Peer review Case Study 4 years, 2 months ago
1. Provide a brief description of the story.
It is the event that happened at the Minnesota Department of Human Services. The two employees from that department were targeted and cyber-attacked with phishing emails which leaked the medical records of the approximately 21,000 patients into the wrong hands over a period of more than one…[Read more] -
Kaung Khant Tin started the topic Assignment week 3 : DHIS2 in the forum Week 3 Assignment : Make a VDO presentation 4 years, 2 months ago
The eHealth Project that I present in the video is called “DHIS2”. I think you might be familiar with this eHealth. This is the District Health Information used for various health projects. Here, I describe, usage of DHIS2 in the HIV project. Thank you.
Kaung Khant Tin replied to the topic Topic 3 What is eHealth? in the forum Week 3 : Roles of Information Systems in Public health Practices I 4 years, 2 months ago
Yes, the communication and sharing the health data between physicians and patients efficiently is the key of the eHealth. Thank you for this definition.
Kaung Khant Tin replied to the topic Topic 3 What is eHealth? in the forum Week 3 : Roles of Information Systems in Public health Practices I 4 years, 2 months ago
The paper explains very well about the eHealth, and it widens my vision on the understanding of eHealth. After reading the paper, compiling my previous knowledge about eHealth, I assume that “eHealth is the practice of maintaining, improving and enhancing not only the individual’s health but also the health of the population by using digital int…[Read more]
Kaung Khant Tin replied to the topic Topic 2 Big data in health in the forum Week 3 : Roles of Information Systems in Public health Practices I 4 years, 2 months ago
That’s a distinctive approach to Big Data. Impressive, sir. And I think the human genomic data is the structured data. Anyway, the abnormalities in the DNA sequencing would need some processing before going into analytic process.
Kaung Khant Tin replied to the topic Topic 2 Big data in health in the forum Week 3 : Roles of Information Systems in Public health Practices I 4 years, 2 months ago
I think “Response to Covid-19” could be considered as “Application of Big Data”. Though I do not know for sure which organization is applying big data in the response of Covid-19, I believe there’s more than one health organization out there using big data analytics for a better and comprehensive response to Covid-19 disease. As the informati…[Read more]
Kaung Khant Tin replied to the topic Topic 1 Significance of health informatics in the forum Week 3 : Roles of Information Systems in Public health Practices I 4 years, 2 months ago
Training the mental health care providers would be a difficult especially if your department has a big staff turn over rate. Once the staff fully understands how the system is done, they leave the department for a better opportunity or something else. It happens quite a lot at my organization
Kaung Khant Tin replied to the topic Topic 1 Significance of health informatics in the forum Week 3 : Roles of Information Systems in Public health Practices I 4 years, 2 months ago
1. Have you ever observed a health informatics project in your (other) organization? Please provide a brief introduction.
I’m working at the HIV program where my organization gives treatment and care to the people living with HIV across the country. And a health informatics project which is “OpenMRS project” has been being rolled out at the clini…[Read more] -
Kaung Khant Tin replied to the topic Week 2 Case study 3 : Inadequate Security, Policies (Navinee) in the forum Week 2 Assignment : Peer review Case Study 4 years, 2 months ago
Thank you so much for this informative report. I agree with your preventive measures especially developing policies and procedures around photography, video recording and audio recording, evaluating and approving requests form the media. That’s a wise step. And there should be a team to check and monitor the media group so that they strictly…[Read more]
Kaung Khant Tin replied to the topic Week 2 Case study 1: New York provider's misconfigured database (Khaing Zin) in the forum Week 2 Assignment : Peer review Case Study 4 years, 2 months ago
Thank you so much for this informative report. I agree with your preventive measures. And Dr.Saranath’s comment which is “Balancing between data security and data utilization” is worth – noting. Thank you all.
Kaung Khant Tin replied to the topic Week 2 Case study 4 : Grays Harbor Data Breach (Saravalee) in the forum Week 2 Assignment : Peer review Case Study 4 years, 2 months ago
Thank you so much for this informative report. I agree with your preventive measures. And I think administrative security measures should be taken too such as adopting a security & privacy policy ,and governance of security risk management & response.
Kaung Khant Tin replied to the topic CaseStudy3: 3 Hospitals let media to film documentary without patient permission in the forum Week 2 Assignment : Peer review Case Study 4 years, 2 months ago
Thank you so much for this informative report. I agree with your preventive measures. I think the hospital should give a lecture and a set of protocols to the documentary film team before filming. The lecture and the protocols should include data privacy and confidentiality as well as Dos and Donts for the crew member while filming at the hospital.
Kaung Khant Tin replied to the topic Week 2 Case study 6 Third-party vendor error exposes data of 19K patients (Pongsakorn) in the forum Week 2 Assignment : Peer review Case Study 4 years, 2 months ago
Thank you so much for this informative report. I agree with your preventive measures. I think making a contract, which covers the data security measures including terms and conditions, with the third party vendor should be done before entering into such business.
Kaung Khant Tin replied to the topic Week 2 Case study 5 : Employee error exposed data of 16,000 Blue Cross patients (Ornpicha) in the forum Week 2 Assignment : Peer review Case Study 4 years, 2 months ago
Thank you so much for this informative report. I agree with your preventive measures as to tackle this issue. I think human error are prevalent in terms of data security. Managing the users account by controlling which user has access to which level of data privileges would be a solution too.
Kaung Khant Tin replied to the topic Week 2 Case Study 2 – Two phishing attacks on Minnesota DHS (Wachirawit) in the forum Week 2 Assignment : Peer review Case Study 4 years, 2 months ago
Thank you so much for this informative report. As I am also assigned to this case, it’s a great opportunity for me to learn new things from your report. I like the way you present your ideas. It is so systematic and clear. And the message you would like to deliver reach to the reader in an efficient way. Bravo!
Kaung Khant Tin replied to the topic Week 2 Case study 6 : Third-party vendor error exposes data of 19K patients for 2 months (Sila) in the forum Week 2 Assignment : Peer review Case Study 4 years, 2 months ago
Thank you so much for this informative report. Hiring a third party vendor would be a technically demanding job. Anyway, we should take serious precautions as well as backup plans when hiring such vendors.
Kaung Khant Tin replied to the topic Week 2 Case Study – Grays Harbor Data Breach (Naphat) in the forum Week 2 Assignment : Peer review Case Study 4 years, 2 months ago
Thank you so much for this informative report. And I agree with your preventive measures. Anyway, what I would like to add more is that an overall administrative security measures such as adopting the security & privacy policy, governance of security risk management & response and uniform enforcement of policy & monitoring process.
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