Andrew Hall replied to the topic CRF (Hoang Thuy Linh) in the forum Week 2 : peer review CRF assignment 2 years, 9 months ago
Hi, I like the way you used color to differentiate sections.
I would suggest listing the different options for race with a checkbox for each. It’s good that you have the “Other” option for race.
Andrew Hall replied to the topic CRF (Ashara) in the forum Week 2 : peer review CRF assignment 2 years, 9 months ago
Ashara, this CRF is very well organized and the response options are well detailed!
I’m not sure how the subject initials and physician signature would line up with privacy protocols. That could possibly be identifying information, right?
Andrew Hall replied to the topic CRF (Andrew) in the forum Week 2 : peer review CRF assignment 2 years, 9 months ago
Pawdoo, thanks for your feedback! I think the normal/abnormal options are a good idea. I intended the bullet point to be a check box. The normal/abnormal/not done options are more specific.
Andrew Hall replied to the topic CRF (Andrew) in the forum Week 2 : peer review CRF assignment 2 years, 9 months ago
Thank you Taro! Per your and Dr. Saranath’s feedback, I will make the “Screening” the title of the table, as to include all subsequent questions.
Andrew Hall replied to the topic Topic Discussion 1 : GCDMP in the forum Week 2: Good Clinical Data Management Practice (GCDMP) 2 years, 9 months ago
Thanks! I’ll learn more about those packages.
Andrew Hall replied to the topic Topic Discussion 3 : CRF design in the forum Week 2: Good Clinical Data Management Practice (GCDMP) 2 years, 9 months ago
We should along with the choices for race include a “specify other” option, right?
Andrew Hall replied to the topic Topic Discussion 2: Data Standards in the forum Week 2: Good Clinical Data Management Practice (GCDMP) 2 years, 9 months ago
Pooling data to analyze for patterns in drug safety is a good point. It could facilitate faster knowledge and action on adverse events with a new drug, reducing the number of patients who have adverse events.
Andrew Hall replied to the topic Topic Discussion 1 : GCDMP in the forum Week 2: Good Clinical Data Management Practice (GCDMP) 2 years, 9 months ago
That’s great you used R in your analysis! Did you use any R packages that were specifically designed for biological applications?
Andrew Hall replied to the topic Topic Discussion 3 : CRF design in the forum Week 2: Good Clinical Data Management Practice (GCDMP) 2 years, 9 months ago
I would suggest adding a check box in the temperature question with the letter “F” for Fahrenheit, as per the CDISC. The user could then choose “C” or “F” for the unit. If one of the study sites in the US, body temperature analysis likely will default to Fahrenheit.
Andrew Hall replied to the topic Topic Discussion 2: Data Standards in the forum Week 2: Good Clinical Data Management Practice (GCDMP) 2 years, 9 months ago
One benefit of having data standards for clinical research is that it gives data scientists and clinicians a common language with which to address the subject matter. If researchers and analysts from different disciplines can overcoming siloing as mentioned in the lecture, then the pace of analysis will accelerate. Data from different studies…[Read more]
Andrew Hall replied to the topic Topic Discussion 1 : GCDMP in the forum Week 2: Good Clinical Data Management Practice (GCDMP) 2 years, 9 months ago
I don’t have experience with a study in a medical or scientific context. However, in my experience working with web server logs that I mentioned last week, I have a great deal of experience with the time stamp, user authentication, and edit check elements. Server logs always have a time stamp for each HTTP request to the web server. Often, the…[Read more]
Andrew Hall replied to the topic Topic Discussion 2: Data Management Process in the forum Week 1 : Principle of Clinical Data Management 2 years, 9 months ago
Being new to health disciplines in general, I appreciate that you all are teaching me about the different types of research! Often I think the focus in data science is on data sets that are decontextualized from their knowledge domains and sources, such as clinical trials or basic research.
Andrew Hall replied to the topic Topic Discussion 1: Data Collection Strategies in the forum Week 1 : Principle of Clinical Data Management 2 years, 9 months ago
I find the analysis of qualitative data interesting in the context of data science, where often analysts will use algorithms to analyze quantitative data in order to make predictions. Integrating qualitative data into data science and machine learning is something I’m interested in learning more about. Perhaps sentiment analysis using natural…[Read more]
Andrew Hall replied to the topic Topic Discussion 2: Data Management Process in the forum Week 1 : Principle of Clinical Data Management 2 years, 9 months ago
Most of my experience in the data management workflow has been with the data manipulation and analysis step. My experience with this step comes from my role as an engineer analyzing server logs to determine the root cause of an error. I manipulated the variables in the query to best fit the parameters of the error investigation. I then analyzed…[Read more]
Andrew Hall replied to the topic Topic Discussion 1: Data Collection Strategies in the forum Week 1 : Principle of Clinical Data Management 2 years, 9 months ago
1. In my last role, I worked as a development operations engineer (systems administration with cloud computing) for a software startup that produced a content management system. One of my duties was to investigate the root cause of automated error alerts we received so we could troubleshoot the error. Every time a user visits a website, the web…[Read more]