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Home › Forums › TMHG 517 Statistical methods in spatial epidemiology Forum › Course Forums › Error in adding ID column
Dear Ajarn and friends, I’d like to call for help fixing this error.
Dear Ko Soe,
I’m not sure whether the image works properly for others, but nothing appears in my browser.
It’s just to let you know so that you may describe in text the error and get help from Ajarn and colleagues.
Thanks for your suggestion, Ko Phyo.
I’m stuck in the command while adding a new column in the matched table.
> data.suicides$ID <- seq(1, Nareas)
Error message is “replacement has 32 rows, data has 0”. So I think the two tables matched are not matched in the earlier steps. But I’m not sure and I dont’t know how to fix the error. So I’m shouting for help so that I can finish the assignment before the deadline.
Hello all,
The provided R code should work if all data and packages are downloaded properly. I suggest carefully checking the code, including spelling, packages,inputs, and data. If anyone can’t use the function ‘readShapePoly’, there are other functions you can try. Alternatively, you can try the ‘shapefile’ command in the ‘raster’ package.
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