Congratulations,Tullaya…You have made it!
Congratulations to the success of our first BHI online student…Tullaya Sitasuwan who has defended her thematic paper on Wednesday 26th January 9-11am. Her project title is FACTORS INFLUENCING USERS’ ACCEPTANCE OF GUIDELINES- BASED CLINICAL DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS FOR PREVENTIVE SERVICES
The committee included Assoc. Prof. Wirichada Pan-ngum (main advisor), Asst. Prof. Ngampol Soonthornworasiri, Asst. Prof. Prapat Suriyaphol, Assoc. Prof. Saranath Lawpoolsri Niyom and
Asst. Prof. Daniel M. Parker (external and chair). We are all very happy with her work quality and excited about the possibility of translating research into practice.