Usa Chaikledkaew
Dr. Usa received her bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy with the first class honor and pursued her master degree in Economics and Ph.D. degree in Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy at the University of Southern California, USA. She is currently a Director of Mahidol University Health Technology Assessment (MUHTA) Postgraduate Program and an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University. Moreover, she is currently a committee of health economics working group under the Subcommittees of NLEM.
Dr. Usa’s health economic evaluation studies have been published in peer-reviewed international journals and applied as the information to assist policy makers for making decisions on the development of National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM) and the benefit package of the National Health Security Office.
Research of expertise
- Health Technology Assessment
- Health Economics
- Economic Evaluation
- Pharmacoeconomics
- Outcomes Research
- Quality of Life Measurement