Siriluk Dungdawadueng replied to the topic Topic 2 Importance of health informatics during COVID-19 pandemic. in the forum Week 1 : Principle of Biomedical and Health Informatics I 6 months ago
An example of an existing Health IT project that could benefit from applying public health informatics knowledge and skills is COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps.
COVID Alert (Canada): An app developed to notify users if they have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. (Reference: COVID Alert: Canada’s exposure n…[Read more]
Siriluk Dungdawadueng replied to the topic Topic 1 Introduction to PHI in the forum Week 1 : Principle of Biomedical and Health Informatics I 6 months ago
Hello Aung Thura Htoo, thank you for sharing your experience and outlining the areas you aim to improve.
I completely agree that focusing on information technology skills, such as data management, statistics, programming, and cloud computing, is both strategic and practical for handling complex health data effectively.
Moreover, your emphasis on…[Read more]
Siriluk Dungdawadueng replied to the topic Topic 1 Introduction to PHI in the forum Week 1 : Principle of Biomedical and Health Informatics I 6 months ago
Based on my background as a data manager (DM) and Clinical Research Associate (CRA) in the clinical research field, I would need to gain the following knowledge and skills to further improve my profession in public health or health informatics:
Health Data Standards and Interoperability:
Knowledge: Learn about health data standards which are…[Read more]
Siriluk Dungdawadueng replied to the topic Final Project in the forum TMHG 543 Data Visualization and Data Presentation Techniques Forum 8 months, 1 week ago
Hi Phyo, Thanks for sharing your dashboard, I just had a chance to look at your dashboard, and I have to say, I’m really impressed! The layout is clean and intuitive, making it super easy to navigate. I especially like how you’ve used picture icon coding to highlight key metrics. It adds a layer of usability that enhances the overall experience.…[Read more]
Siriluk Dungdawadueng replied to the topic Final Project in the forum TMHG 543 Data Visualization and Data Presentation Techniques Forum 8 months, 1 week ago
Hi, everyone.
Your dashboard looks great! Thank you for sharing 😊Here is the link to my dashboard for the final project assignment: https://lookerstudio.google.com/s/ryRhrqBRS9E
This COVID-19 surveillance dashboard offers detailed insights into the state of the pandemic during 2020-2022. I’ll examine key metrics such as confirmed, recovered,…[Read more]
Siriluk Dungdawadueng replied to the topic Week 3 Visualization project in the forum TMHG 543 Data Visualization and Data Presentation Techniques Forum 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Hi everyone, this is my screenshot of the report from Looker Studio for this week’s project.
<img src=”https://snipboard.io/Ts4cgA.jpg”
<img src=”https://snipboard.io/nQlMzI.jpg”
<img src=”https://snipboard.io/jZwLTE.jpg”
<img src=”https://snipboard.io/E1XC3h.jpg”
<img src=”https://snipboard.io/kTqcGR.jpg”
<img s…[
Siriluk Dungdawadueng replied to the topic Week 1 Topic discussion Covid-19 Dashboard in the forum TMHG 543 Data Visualization and Data Presentation Techniques Forum 9 months ago
Thank you for sharing the data visualization dashboard for COVID-19 disease. I would like to share my selected COVID-19 dashboard from the Ministry of Health Malaysia COVID-19 · https://data.moh.gov.my/dashboard/covid-19/jhr. (The last update data as of 01 Jun 2024, 23:59). I would like to describe what I like and dislike about this…[Read more]
Siriluk Dungdawadueng replied to the topic CRF (Teerawat) Reviewer Siriluk in the forum Week 2 : peer review CRF assignment 10 months ago
Hello, Teerawat. I appreciate that I have been assigned to review your CRF. Your CRF appears to be very impressive. 😊 Please find my following comments:
– I would suggest relocating the ‘Informed consent process’ to the first section of the CRF, preceding the ‘Demographics’ section. This is because the ICF process should be carried out as the…[Read more]
Siriluk Dungdawadueng replied to the topic Topic Discussion 3 : CRF design in the forum Achieve 550: 2023 10 months, 1 week ago
I would like to improve on the ‘Physical examination’ section in the following:
Add the unit ‘kg’ for weight, ‘cm’ for height, and specify unit ‘mmHg’ for blood pressure, with separate values for ‘Systolic’ and ‘Diastolic’.
Additionally, define the ‘Body system’ for physical examination, such as ‘HEENT’, ‘Cardiovascular’, ‘Chest’, ‘Abdomen’,…[Read more]
Siriluk Dungdawadueng replied to the topic Week 2 Topic Discussion 2: Data Standards in the forum Achieve 550: 2023 10 months, 1 week ago
Data standards for clinical research have several advantages, such as making it easier to combine data from various, disparate sources for analyses to plan new studies and improve medical and scientific insights and knowledge, which improves disease management.
Siriluk Dungdawadueng replied to the topic Week 2 Topic Discussion 1 : GCDMP in the forum Achieve 550: 2023 10 months, 1 week ago
Yes, I have experience managing data in a software program called DFexplore. The data will be stored and managed in the clinical data management system. DFexplore is a standalone application. It does not need to run on any specific web browser. Since my company provides data management services, we must complete all these steps before providing it…[Read more]
Siriluk Dungdawadueng replied to the topic Topic Discussion 2: Data Management Process in the forum Achieve 550: 2023 10 months, 2 weeks ago
: Based on my experiences, I have worked as a Clinical Research Associate (CRA) in the clinical vaccine trial field for a pharmaceutical company. I have participated in steps of the workflow in Protocol Discussion and Data Design (Variables and Data Work Flow). The pharmaceutical company I work for serves as the “sponsor” for the research. So, I…[Read more]
Siriluk Dungdawadueng replied to the topic Week 4 Wrap-up Assignment in the forum Achieve 529: 2023 10 months, 2 weeks ago
This is the summary what I’ve learned for this week.
or https://snipboard.io/n3kNcK.jpg -
Siriluk Dungdawadueng replied to the topic Topic Discussion 1: Data Collection Strategies in the forum Achieve 550: 2023 10 months, 2 weeks ago
1. Purpose of data collection: For research, for public health surveillance, or others.
The research project I am involved in is a vaccine trial that will assess the immunogenicity and safety of the Vaccine in healthy adults.
2. Was it primary or secondary data collection?
Both types of data collection were performed.
– Hospital data collection…[
Siriluk Dungdawadueng replied to the topic Week 3 Wrap-up Assigment in the forum Achieve 529: 2023 10 months, 2 weeks ago
This is what I have learned this week.
or https://snipboard.io/RzhD0M.jpg -
Siriluk Dungdawadueng replied to the topic Week 2 Wrap-up Assignment in the forum Achieve 529: 2023 11 months, 2 weeks ago
Hi everyone, this is my summary infographic for week 2.
Siriluk Dungdawadueng replied to the topic Week 1 Wrap-up Assignment in the forum Achieve 529: 2023 11 months, 2 weeks ago
Siriluk Dungdawadueng replied to the topic Week 1 Wrap-up Assignment in the forum Achieve 529: 2023 11 months, 2 weeks ago
Hi everyone, my summary of what I have learned about this topic.