  • I am gonna develop an app that would help patients in remote areas who are looking for healthcare consultation and other health-related services. When the internet becomes accessible in rural areas of the country, patients can consult for their symptoms and get services from AI if those are minor symptoms or AI-assisted healthcare providers for…[Read more]

  • As I am a beginner in a programming area, I would rather choose Python language over others. It is easy to use either write or read. It is very flexible and doesn’t require several hours or much effort to develop the app that we want to create. There are many resources online to take references for Python while developing the app.

  • If I see a pop-up message of ‘Your computer is now infected’, I will be highly suspicious of a potential malware attack and I won’t click the link. I have been trained in the former organizations to be aware of unusual emails or messages that sometimes persuade users by the form of winning money, IT gadgets, and vacation trip or threatens users to…[Read more]

  • My personal computer was attacked by viruses several times😊. Before I had a proper job, I tried to download medical books or cracked versions of softwares (Adobe Acrobat, games, etc.) from Torrents. As you know, some books and softwares are pretty expensive I can’t afford to. The last time my computer was affected by the virus, the Windows…[Read more]

  • Internet technology helps improve the quality of healthcare in many ways. Health data from different locations can be collected and analyzed, and the processed health information could be disseminated to front-line health workers timely to be aware of irregular disease patterns and to identify gaps and challenges in service accessibility. Officers…[Read more]

  • When I worked in a refugee setting, the organization utilized several databases and tools to collect, verify, and analyze patients’ data such as chronic patient tool, population tool, pregnant women tool, IPD tools, etc. Each tool worked on its own data and information with a separate system. But required data couldn’t be linked when we wanted to…[Read more]

  • I agree with the way of using PAN and LAN networks in the local area as my classmates mentioned above. After the LAN network, I consider that those data will be uploaded to district level office through MAN and those data from all locations in the area will be collected and verified. Finally, those data will be shared with the central level…[Read more]

  • Hi, My name is Phyo Thu Aung and ‘Phyo’ is my short name. I am a Myanmar citizen. I had a great memory working as a health information system officer around in 2016 and 2017. Since then, I consider that when I have a chance to study for a master degree, I will choose a program related to health informatics course. My dream comes true.😊 But I feel…[Read more]

  • Good to see you, Bro.