Ameen replied to the topic Week 3 Modelling infectious diseases in the forum Discussion 4 years, 2 months ago
MY model will be a deterministic SIR model.
For the parameter, I am having difficulties finding and choosing the rights ones. The parameter I have chosen right now is as below.
Order|Variable name|Value or Range|Source of Information/Data
1|Basic Reproductive Number|3.75 1/day|Rotejanaprasert C. et al, 2020;…[
Ameen replied to the topic My Discussion Topics in the forum Discussion Topic for Seminar 6 (Presented by Pacharapol) 4 years, 3 months ago
1. Can family health informatics be done, in our context (Thailand)? What are hurdles to widespread implementations?
The article you picked up for presentation is focused on the child health the most. If this kind of study is to implement in Thailand, we should think about the elderly as we are heading to an ageing society. Elderly old is the…[Read more]
Ameen replied to the topic Week 2 Identify some relevant data in the forum Discussion 4 years, 3 months ago
Thank you for the news sharing. I heard about the news that they are going to allow tourist to enter Thailand but limited to only Phuket. The tourist will need to stay quarantined for 14 days though! Meanwhile, in some European countries, they are thinking about reducing the number of days for the measurement. It’s quite interesting! We must…[Read more]
Ameen replied to the topic Week 2 Identify some relevant data in the forum Discussion 4 years, 3 months ago
Project: Modelling of optimal quarantine strategies combine with measurements for Thailand reopening for tourist.
As of lately, from the news, some countries are considering reducing days of mandatory COVID-19 quarantine for the reopening country. The reducing may down to only at five days, as from the statistic, around half of infected persons…[Read more]
Ameen replied to the topic Week 1 Choose a disease you are interested? in the forum Discussion 4 years, 3 months ago
Thank you for your feedback Aj,Pan.
Ameen replied to the topic Week 1 Choose a disease you are interested? in the forum Discussion 4 years, 3 months ago
Thank you for letting us know super cool dashboard!. So this is a usage of mathematic modelling? I tried the simulation and it’s very useful and that some countries already made the decision based on this. Where can we find the model used for the simulation? I noticed that it’s also open data.
Ameen replied to the topic Week 1 Choose a disease you are interested? in the forum Discussion 4 years, 3 months ago
I would like to know how the movement restrictions or lockdown policy in countries worldwide help flatten COVID-19 epidemic curve and its effects on the economy. There are talk and argument about what is best when compared with economic loss. Comparing is, for example, Country closure vs internal closure, completely lockdown vs partial lockdown.…[Read more]
Ameen replied to the topic TOPIC DISCUSSION FOR SEMINAR 9 (13/AUG/2020) in the forum Discussion Topic for Seminar 9 (Presented by Vidhyakorn) 4 years, 4 months ago
I like looking at people doing the contact tracing when I go out. What I have seen in the public place where Thai Chana QR code is used, some visitor (quite a lot), even they have a mobile phone, they rather write down their phone number onto the signing book which is alternatives to the QR. And interestingly, I noticed that some person, they…[Read more]
Ameen started the topic TOPIC DISCUSSION FOR SEMINAR 9 (13/AUG/2020) in the forum Discussion Topic for Seminar 9 (Presented by Vidhyakorn) 4 years, 4 months ago
1. Public acceptance and preference on health data storage, access and sharing, change over time and randomly difference, what is your opinion or notice about public preference in the context of Covid-19 in your country, or your work nowadays?
2. From the result, the public preferred individual-level benefits over broader population-level…[Read more]
Ameen replied to the topic Topic discussion in the forum Discussion Topic for Seminar 7 (Presented by Penpitcha) 4 years, 4 months ago
I agreed we should start with fragmented first. As all of us look at the same way that the main barrier to implementing PHR is the low implementation of EMR in a healthcare provider. Patients and the general public cannot clap one’s hands! While at the same time standalone PHR has an issue about data quality and meaningful use. I want to make it…[Read more]
Ameen replied to the topic Discussion topics in the forum Discussion Topic for Seminar 3 (Presented by Tullaya) 4 years, 5 months ago
Discussion 1
:: If I were the CDS developer I would add features that help physician give further advice on the due screening based on each of the patient, for example, where the patient can have the screening and help to make plans for the patient immediately on the visit. This may not be handled by the physician, it can be by other medical…[Read more]
Ameen replied to the topic Seminar2_PyaePhyoAung_Discussion in the forum Discussion Topic for Seminar 2 (Presented by Pyae Phyo Aung) 4 years, 5 months ago
Topics 1 Good electronic system come with the price, how do we develop it in a low resource country like Myanmar?
In Thailand, we also have to deal with low resources setting. I think sharing of resources and networking between the low-resources and high resources is a way to do. Apart from the governmental level, organizations in Myanmar, both…[Read more]
Ameen replied to the topic MY Discussion in the forum Discussion Topic for Seminar 1 (Presented by Chalermphon) 4 years, 5 months ago
1. What is your opinion about Concentrations of SO2 in the resident more than the workplace.
ANS. We don’t know much, from the article, about Jinan in terms of air pollution background. China’s industrialization has been so fast. The article used data in the year 2009 which a decade ago. Not sure if in Jinan, back then, the main industry was of…[Read more] -
Ameen replied to the topic Final Dashboard Submission in the forum Final Project 4 years, 5 months ago
Aj. Saranath, Thank you for your comments and suggestions. I have changed the header’s font, from white to black with white frame and shadow. It looks better indeed.
Ameen replied to the topic Final Dashboard Submission in the forum Final Project 4 years, 5 months ago
Sorry, everyone, please ignore the link of my dashboard above and instead visit the one here :
Ameen replied to the topic Final Dashboard Submission in the forum Final Project 4 years, 5 months ago
Please visit my dashboard at :
My dashboard, part from showing numbers of confirmed cases, deaths and recovered cases the same as other’s including the overall situation, I tried to…[Read more]
Ameen replied to the topic Week 4 Graphs/Maps submission in the forum Week 4 : Graphs,Charts 4 years, 5 months ago
Please visit my week 4 dashboard here: https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiZDhmZDcyYTUtODIzZS00NDRmLWExZGQtYjYwZjAwYjVkZWYwIiwidCI6ImE1NjYxYjU3LTQ3ZDItNDNlNC04MGFhLWYxNzcwMTZhNTJmYiIsImMiOjEwfQ%3D%3D
On the Global summary, the map and card are used to present the overall quick summary of confirmed, deaths and recovered of COVID-19.
On the…[Read more]
Ameen replied to the topic Week 3 : Visualization Project in the forum Week 3 Visualization Project 4 years, 5 months ago
Please ignore the above-broken link and refer to this one instead.
Ameen replied to the topic Week 3 : Visualization Project in the forum Week 3 Visualization Project 4 years, 5 months ago
My dashboard : shorturl.at/beqHL
My dashboard composed of 6 sections.
Section 1: Use Area Chart to visualize global total confirmed case, deaths, and recovered of COVID-19 over time. This chart help viewer comprehends the overall situation of COVID-19.
Section 2: Use Line Chart to visualizes daily cases per million of the population by continents…[Read more] -
Ameen replied to the topic Week 2 : Visualization project in the forum Week 2 : Visualization project 4 years, 6 months ago
Please find my dashboard here : https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMjlkYzYxMTUtNjc1NC00Y2M1LWEyZjYtZjUxZTBmYTc2M2Q2IiwidCI6ImE1NjYxYjU3LTQ3ZDItNDNlNC04MGFhLWYxNzcwMTZhNTJmYiIsImMiOjEwfQ%3D%3D
The first table : Daily statistic by country. By filtering, user can check confirmed, death and recovery cases on a daily basis.
The second table :…[Read more] - Load More