ABDILLAH FARKHAN replied to the topic Wrap-up Assignment in the forum Week 3 Wrap-up Assignment 1 year, 7 months ago
ABDILLAH FARKHAN replied to the topic Wrap-up Assignment in the forum Week 4 Wrap-up Assignment 1 year, 8 months ago
ABDILLAH FARKHAN started the topic Assignment 2.1 in the forum Assignment 1 year, 8 months ago
The researcher intended to summarize whether there is any association between socioeconomic factors that lead to suicide rates in Thailand. Models of these factors may have been made in previous studies conducted in developing countries, but the context is definitely distinct from Thailand where the vast majority of people work in the agricultural…[Read more]
ABDILLAH FARKHAN replied to the topic Wrap-up Assignment in the forum Week 2 Wrap-up Assignment 1 year, 8 months ago
ABDILLAH FARKHAN replied to the topic Assignment 1.1 in the forum Assignment 1 year, 8 months ago
The decision to explore the place variables must be undertaken carefully and considers multiple factors such as the feasibility of data collection, the feasibility of data analysis, and data confidentiality.
1. Though the place-related variables can explain the dynamic pattern of disease transmission, this is often challenging to be included in…[Read more] -
ABDILLAH FARKHAN replied to the topic Wrap-up Assignment in the forum Week 1 Wrap-up Assignment 1 year, 8 months ago
ABDILLAH FARKHAN replied to the topic Week 3 Topic 1 in the forum Week 3 Discussion 1 year, 9 months ago
I have highlighted the same issue of misperception as well. In statistics, every measured value has a position that must be recognized regardless of its threshold. I agree that reporting less than certain values must include the real value.
ABDILLAH FARKHAN replied to the topic Week 3 Topic 1 in the forum Week 3 Discussion 1 year, 9 months ago
I would like to provide an argument about the misinterpretation of number 11, and it may be related to number 12 (on page 342).
“P = 0.05 and P ≤ 0.05 mean the same thing.”
In social, public health, or other non-exact research, most investigators set probability values as ≤ 0.05. In order to avoid redundancy in grammar, they prefer to write ‘…[Read more]
ABDILLAH FARKHAN replied to the topic Introduce yourself about your background in the forum TMHG 531 Statistics in health science 2022 1 year, 9 months ago
I graduated from Public Health Faculty at a reputable university in Indonesia. As we know that due to the nature of public health science that is dealing with population, thus, data and statistics are something I need to familiarize. Now, I am working as an epidemiologist at the Indonesia Ministry of Health with a particular task to run the…[Read more]
ABDILLAH FARKHAN replied to the topic Module 8 Topic discussion 2 in the forum TMHG 548 Research Methods In Health Informatics 2022 1 year, 9 months ago
Your original ideas on what TAM would suggest are excellent. I like the recommendations about interoperability and security of data that might be able to be evaluated on older technologies and make people willing to adopt new ones.
ABDILLAH FARKHAN replied to the topic Module 8 Topic discussion 1 in the forum TMHG 548 Research Methods In Health Informatics 2022 1 year, 9 months ago
Thank you for your comprehensive explanation. I like your overview that the external determinants may also come from the technological context as well as the human context.
ABDILLAH FARKHAN replied to the topic Module 9 Topic discussion in the forum TMHG 548 Research Methods In Health Informatics 2022 1 year, 9 months ago
Of course, I think this is one of the advantages of using in-depth interviews in terms of exploring the experiences of respondents. This method creates a clearer perspective connecting one’s attitude towards an occurring phenomena.
ABDILLAH FARKHAN replied to the topic Module 6 Topic discussion in the forum TMHG 548 Research Methods In Health Informatics 2022 1 year, 9 months ago
It is also good to interpret efficiency in a situation with limitations. Agree to you in this aspect.
ABDILLAH FARKHAN replied to the topic Module 3 Topic discussion in the forum TMHG 548 Research Methods In Health Informatics 2022 1 year, 9 months ago
Definitely agree. Though socioeconomic may be identified as a confounder, this variable needs further specification. Thank you to add an idea about behavioral factors.
ABDILLAH FARKHAN replied to the topic Module 2 Topic discussion in the forum TMHG 548 Research Methods In Health Informatics 2022 1 year, 9 months ago
You’ve clearly briefed the definition and scope of maternal deaths and live birth appropriately. This explanation helps people that such maternal death has its specific characteristics. Thank you.
ABDILLAH FARKHAN replied to the topic Module 8 Topic discussion 2 in the forum TMHG 548 Research Methods In Health Informatics 2022 1 year, 9 months ago
Following the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) 2 framework that added and incorporated social influence and cognitive instrumental processes that affect perceived usefulness, designing intervention that would drive intentions of use is an excellent option in order to create usage behavior. This way helps decide how an individual within an…[Read more]
ABDILLAH FARKHAN replied to the topic Module 10 Topic discussion in the forum TMHG 548 Research Methods In Health Informatics 2022 1 year, 9 months ago
My non-identifiable data are listed below:
1. Sex: Male
2. Nationality: Indonesian
3. Current location: Jakarta
4. Blood Type: O
5. Ethnicity: Java
6. Education: SKM (Bachelor of Public Health)
7. Occupation: Epidemiologist
8. Workplace: Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control, Ministry of Health Indonesia
9. Year of enrolment in the…[
ABDILLAH FARKHAN replied to the topic Module 9 Topic discussion in the forum TMHG 548 Research Methods In Health Informatics 2022 1 year, 9 months ago
In case the quantitative study revealed that the vast majority of people did not use their bed nets to prevent mosquito bites, then, the qualitative method I need to undertake comprises multiple approaches and is under sequence way in order to answer the research question deeply and comprehensively.
First, I need to undergo a participant…[Read more]
ABDILLAH FARKHAN replied to the topic Module 8 Topic discussion 1 in the forum TMHG 548 Research Methods In Health Informatics 2022 1 year, 9 months ago
There are plentiful explorable external factors that influence personals’ perceived ease of use (PEOU) and perceived usefulness (PU) towards a technology. In specify, I exemplify the role of geoinformatics technology in disease surveillance as one of the prominent technology platforms in public health program. I determine two external variables a…[Read more]
ABDILLAH FARKHAN replied to the topic Module 6 Topic discussion in the forum TMHG 548 Research Methods In Health Informatics 2022 1 year, 10 months ago
Efficacy, effectiveness, and efficiency are three distinct principles in an experimental study, but they can be interrelated. I distinguish these three meanings and how they are respectively related.
Efficacy indicates to what extent an intervention can create a beneficial change or achieve certain results in ideal circumstances where all factors…[Read more]
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