In identifying the barriers to health information seeking among youth for HIV/STI and RH, we should consider stigma and discrimination which can deter young people from seeking information. Fear of judgement may prevent the young population from accessing the necesary resources. Another thing is the accessibility of the healthcare services including HIV and RH services can vary depeding on different locations. Compared to urban, rural areas may have limited access to health facilities and information. Next to consider is the language barriers by young people’s which hinder the ability to understand the health information. To imrpove the accessibility, it is important to proivde the health infromation in languages they can understand.
In receiving necessary health information, some peoply living with HIV may left behind due to stigma and discrimination. It can be difficult for them to seek support and get the necessary HIV care and treatment including reproductive health services. People working in neighboring countries can also face challenges in accesing those kind of health information due to their migration status. To reach these individuals, mobile technology can play an important role to disseminatie health informations. These can leverage the information to reach up to remote and marginalized populations. Developing health information materials that are culturally and linguistically appropriate will also reach the target populations accordingly. These can enable every individual to enhance their understanding with the help of plain language and visual aids.