I would like to share my selected COVID-19 dashboard from the University of Virginia https://nssac.bii.virginia.edu/covid-19/dashboard/. The last update of it was in August 2023. The dashboard theme and layout, in my opinion, is well organized and contains many interesting features such as the interactive chart, meaningful colours, animation of the data (Time slider) since the beginning until the end of data recorded. To be more specific I would like to describe what I like and dislike about this dashbord.
What I like:
– The dashboard provides the meaningful information at a glance and quite easy to follow as each charts are arranged from the big picture to the specific element. For example, when I see the dashboard I get information immediately how many cases in all stages, active, confirmed, death or recovered. The good thing is that the colour of each category is well describe the status such as confirmed case is in red and recovered is green. Not only cases that show in the dashboard, there as also contains data about vaccination as well.
– There are the control date to select if we want to know only particular day as well as the region. There is Thailand in this dashboard too if you select country.
– The dashbord also presents the filled map that display the data across a geography. This map has different shade of colour that present the density of the data and let people know the data at a glance.
– At the left panel, when clicking chart tap, the barchart is pop-up to show the cases in each time frame and can select the filter to fill specific time that you want to see the data.
– There is analytic tap that show the time series of top five countries using line chart. It is good to show only five countries because using too many line in the line chart can cause people confuse.
What I dislike
– Since the chart that use to show the time series of COVID-19 cases hidden in the tap and it’s quite small, so people may need more time to reach the important information and need more time to see the data inside.
– Also, if you look inside the bar chart, the data of death is quite small, bar chart cannot display the data appropriately as it placed in the lowest area of the chart, to see information better, using other type of chart such as line chart and using data label in each time spot and make the chart bigger so people can see the death value.