Academic honesty Agreement Thank you for connecting with us. We will respond to you shortly. 11 Academic Honesty AgreementMaster of Science and Graduate Diploma in Biomedical and Health Informatics ProgramsFaculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol UniversityAcademic honesty exemplifies “Integrity”, which is one of Mahidol University’s (MU) core values. Students at MU are encouraged to uphold honesty throughout their academic and professional careers. Adherence to academic honesty is mandatory for all students enrolled in online courses under the specified programs. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, academic sabotage, and falsification.CheatingVarious forms of cheating include: • Copying or attempting to copy from another person’s work • Allowing your work to be copied • Allowing others to submit work under a student’s name • Using unauthorized assistance on assignments (quiz, report, exam or discussion). • Submitting duplications of the same work for multiple courses • Giving answers to fellow students PlagiarismPlagiarism is taking someone else’s work or ideas and claiming them as one’s original work with failure to acknowledge the original source(s). Various forms of plagiarism include: • Submitting work other than your own • Using “copy and paste” from any source to complete an assignment, discussion, or test • Reproducing the exact wording and quotes from another source without appropriately citing and quoting it in a reference or a footnote • Using facts, data, graphs, charts or other information without properly citing the source • Paraphrasing or re-wording phrases from another source and passing the phrases as your own • Reusing phrases or statements from your own previously published work(s) without proper citation FabricationFabrication is creating false data, results, information, or procedure(s) used to complete an assignment or research project. Forms of fabrication include: • Manipulating data to achieve a desired result • Reporting results that were not performed Academic sabotageAcademic sabotage refers to the destruction, concealment, or unauthorized modification of academic materials for the purposes of self-gain, as in the following: • Preventing another student from completing his/her work by destroying, concealing, or modifying academic materials (books, manuals, journals, slides, documents, and other references) • Purposefully damaging another student’s work FalsificationFalsification refers to dishonestly altering information, as in the following: • Lying to instructors and other students. • Intentionally altering a returned assignment to claim that the assignment was graded incorrectly. Student ConsentI have enrolled in an online course with full understanding that I will be performing tasks in an unsupervised environment. I understand the principles of Academic Honesty and agree to maintain the highest standards of personal and academic integrity. I have read and comprehend the Academic Honesty Agreement in its entirety and agree to avoid cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, academic sabotage, and falsification. I understand that my instructor can use plagiarism-detection technologies to identify any plagiarized content in my work. I understand that violation of this Academic Honesty Agreement may result in penalties ranging from failure of an assignment, failure in the course, or to administrative withdrawal from the program. *Name*Program--- Select ---MscDiplomaCertificate*SignatureDateSubmit