Ngamphol Soonthornworasiri
Dr. Ngamphol is Assistant Professor in the Department of Tropical Hygiene. He obtained his B.Sc. in Mathematics, M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics, and Ph.D. in Mathematics from Mahidol University, Thailand. He teaches students from the Diploma, M.Sc. and Ph.D. in biostatistics and advanced statistical analysis courses at the Bangkok School of Tropical Medicine. He is also a statistical consultant in government and non-government organizations for advising and delivering a variety of statistical analysis and research.
Dr. Ngamphol contributes his expertise in mathematics and statistics to public health and biomedical research. His specializations include statistical analysis, data analysis, time series modeling, statistical modeling, health data, and biomedical data.
Research of Expertise
- Statistical analysis
- Data Analysis
- Time series modeling
- Statistical modeling
- Health data
- Biomedical data