Delegation from Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia paid a visit to Faculty of Tropical Medicine
20 March, 2019: Assoc. Prof. Noppadon Tangpukdee, Deputy Director of Hospital for Tropical Diseases led Prof. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih; Executive Director of Airlangga Global Engagement/AGE, Prof. Ni Made Mertaniasih; Vice Dean for Research, Collaboration and International Affairs, Faculty of Medicine and team from Universitas Airlangga to visit Hospital for Tropical Diseases.
After Hospital tour, the delegates made a visit to Mahidol Bangkok School of Tropical Medicine (BSTM) led by Dr. Tamonwan Somsriruen. There have been led to meet Assoc. Prof. Pratap Singhasivanon; Dean, Prof. Srivicha Krudsood; Deputy Dean for Research, Assoc. Prof. Porntip Petmitr; Deputy Dean for Administration and Finance, Assoc. Prof. Waranya Wongwit; Deputy Dean for Education, Asst. Prof. Usa Boonyuen; Assistant Dean for International Relations, and Dr. Amornrat Aroonnual; Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Faculty Welfare to discuss regarding students exchange and our further collaboration.