According to the provided publication, the objectives of the Influenza surveillance system in Tanzania are estimating the burden of diseases caused by the Influenza virus and identifying any circulating viral strains with pandemic potential. For this topic discussion, the other two evaluation indicators that will be discussed are relevance and consistency, and how the use of electronic information management systems improves the surveillance system in these two evaluation indicators is discussed below:
Relevance = Electronic information management systems will facilitate real-time data sharing between the sentinel sites and the National Influenza Center (NIC). Collecting data in a shorter time enables timely identification, analysis, and informed decision-making to respond to outbreaks or even emerging diseases, aligning with the objectives of the surveillance system.
Consistency = Implementing electronic information management systems requires standardized protocols and data entry guidelines to prevent inconsistencies and errors that might occur. The system will ensure consistency throughout the processes, from data collection to analysis.