As my presentation on the eHealth project also pertains to newborns, you suggested covering all the benefits comprehensively and making them easy to understand. Therefore, please allow me to present additional values that this project could offer.
Data analytics – the project collected data to analyze and this can help to identify trends and patterns in child health, healthcare professionals can develop more effective preventive measures and treatments, for example the system may be able to fully integrate and import automatically lab collection results from central lab and these data can be analyzed to be information that children’s parents should be alerted if any risk events arise as Soe Htike suggested above and healthcare professionals will be able to find knowledge solutions and develop more effective treatments.
Improve customer engagement – this might be better if parents can easily access to review their children’s health e.g. parents could be able to view dashboards or charts from lab collection test and they can engage with healthcare professionals via various mHealth e.g. telehealth in case of their children require treatment or suspected risk.